Published By: Puja Sinha

Summer Breakfast Recipes to Beat the Heat

DIY summer breakfasts to cool off during aheatwave

Summer breakfast recipes curated to dial down the body temperature are not merely healthy and nutritional but a sure way to prevent grumbling and panting in the kitchen. Certain food choices amp up our comfort levels while reducing our core body temperature. The idea is to navigate through a series of delish breakfast options as the humidity and heat increase to an unbearable high outside. 

During the warmer months, make sure to steer clear of the following types of food:

Spicy foods, such as deep-fried delicacies served with rich sauces and even curries to prevent indigestion 

Sugary foods, such as desserts and caffeinated drinks, to prevent weight gain and inflammation

Soda, found in carbonated drinks, to prevent dehydration

Salty foods such as salted peanuts and even dry fruits which can leave you exhausted and irritated

Delightful alternatives to canned foods and preservatives, these breakfast ingredients ensure that you receive the optimum amount of vitamins and minerals without breaking a sweat. 

Cereal with Berries and Nuts

Nothing so refreshing as a bowl of cereal mixed with fresh, juicy berries and chopped nuts. The fibre quantity in cereal, besides iron, vitamins, and minerals, is essential for gut health. Some freshly sliced fruits on top are a wonderful addition to a regular bowl. Pour a cup of skim-plus milk and add teaspoons of nuts to feel satiated and energized for the better part of your morning. 

Organic Chia Seeds

A wholesome breakfast choice, chia seeds contain protein, fibre, and healthy fats, and can be consumed in versatile, easy, and fun ways. Chia seed pudding remains a creative way to rejuvenate your morning food. You would need a dash of almond milk, honey, vanilla extracts, and fresh fruits or nuts of your choice for the topping. Soak all the ingredients except the fruit and nut slices and soak for 5-10 minutes. Refrigerate overnight. Stir before sprinkling the slices and it is ready to be served!

Quinoa with Sliced Bananas 

Quinoa is gluten-free and replete with plant compounds, minerals, and vitamins. This food contains all the nine essential amino acids which make it nothing short of a superfood. To add some razzle dazzle to a bowl of quinoa, add 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract, cinnamon, and honey. Use a cup of almond milk. Bring it to a boil before simmering it for 15-20 minutes. See if the quinoa is tender. It is then ready to be served with some chopped nuts and banana. 

Summer Waffles 

Summer waffles are a palatable way of cramming the veggies you heart (or not). Once the batter is ready, toss in the fruits, veggies, cheese, and herbs for the breakfast waffle. Peach waffles are a seasonal favourite. Toast two waffles and add a layer of peanut butter, a slice of peach, a pinch of sea salt, and a dash of honey. You are all set for a soothing summer morning. 

Oatmeal Mixed with Fruits

Oatmeal with fruits, such as blueberry banana, and strawberry, is a lip-smacking way to kickstart the morning.  Bring the water to a simmer to cook the oatmeal and add the fruit chopping. Cook till the water is well-absorbed and the oats are soft and moistened. If you want more mush, add half a cup of water and cook longer.

Avocado Banana Smoothie 

This is a filling drink with the fundamentals of concocting just about any smoothie. Banana is a powerhouse of energy and fibre and avocado is a healthy source of fat—a combination you can easily opt for at breakfast. You would need unsweetened almond milk, a cup of spinach, one frozen banana, a peeled avocado cut in half, almond butter, and some protein powder for the extra fuel.