Published By: Jayati

Stylish hallway stumbles: Things that can make your space look messy

No more hallway hurdles keeping guests at bay!

You know what they say—you only get one shot at a first impression, and that’s true for both people and apartments. Your entrance is the spot where guests decide what the whole place is like. Even the most stylish hallway can be spoiled by little details we often overlook. But don't worry! With a keen eye, you can catch those sneaky things that make your hallway look messy and your guests uncomfortable. Ready to uncover the secrets? Keep scrolling!

An unsightly doormat 

Who knew a doormat could make such a big impression! If you've got one outside, throw another one inside to double down on dirt defense. Especially during summer and monsoon seasons, when we seem to drag in half the outdoors on our shoes. Keep those mats clean! A grubby doormat might make guests think the rest of your place is a mess, and we can’t have that, can we?

Lack of shoe storage 

Even if you live solo, you've probably got more than one pair of shoes—some for walking, sports, special occasions, and work. Often, these shoes end up scattered near the door. The solution? Get yourself a shoe shelf or storage cabinet. And here's a pro tip: dust off your shoes before putting them away, so they stay nice and clean.

Dim lighting 

Lighting can totally transform your home! Dim lights in the hallway can make it look uninviting and neglected. If your hallway is far from windows, make sure it's well-lit! You need enough light to find things, spot dirt, and address other issues. Plus, no one likes walking into a dark, gloomy hallway when they enter your place!

Chair turned closet 

Let's face it, we all have that one chair at home where we pile up clothes that aren't quite dirty enough for the laundry but not clean enough for the wardrobe. It's like a limbo for clothes! Usually, this chair ends up in the hallway, making it look super messy. To keep your hallway tidy, toss those clothes you've worn a few times into the laundry basket. Organise your daily wear on a clothing rod or hanger in the balcony or closet. No more piles in the hallway—just a clean and welcoming space!

Decor dilemma 

Hallways are more than just passageways; they're where we store stuff, kick off our shoes, and sometimes take a breather. So, they can easily become cluttered if we're not careful. Instead of piling on too many decorations, consider a few pieces, like paintings or mirrors, to add life without overwhelming the space. Strike that perfect balance, and your hallway will shine brighter than ever!

Funky smell 

Here's another thing to consider that you might not hear often! A bad smell at the entrance can really spoil the first impression, no matter how great your place is inside. Wet shoes, cat litter, damp clothes in the monsoon, or even cooking smells from the kitchen can all contribute. To tackle this, try placing an air freshener at the entrance. Just make sure it's not too overpowering, as not everyone will appreciate the same strong scents.

Keeping your hallway tidy and clutter-free doesn't have to be a big chore. With a few simple tips and tricks, you can easily keep things in order. Now that you know the drill, it's time to make your hallway look its best!