Strategies to Mitigate Communication Breakdown
Unfortunately, eloquence alone cannot avoid misconstrued meanings and impasses
Lapses in communication are most prevalent due to poor listening skills, inability to read non-verbal cues, assumptions, personal conflicts, oversharing and inadequate directives. Here is how you can avert such crises in personal and professional spheres.
Understanding Non Verbal Cues
The art of navigating through whatever is left unsaid and is instead conveyed through gestures and silence can thwart off issues and establish clarity and rapport among speakers. Besides helping you to relate and engage—indispensable to establish meaningful communication, understanding nonverbal cues is important is instrumental if you are trying to achieve closure or intimacy. You are better equipped to pick up on underlying conflicts or nuances and conclude the conversation constructively. Especially within the peripheries of interpersonal relationships, this ability to interpret non-verbal cues strengthens bonds.
Sketching a Communication Plan
Devising a clear communication plan is not at all an exaggeration. Rather, such a strategy helps you outline precise communication protocols to avoid anyone straying from it. You are in a favourable position to identify fruitful communication channels and well-crafted content that would dodge any possible misunderstanding. While developing a plan, adhere to a linear approach— define your objectives and select the channels according to the audiences. If it is within a work setting, scrutinise the persistent problem areas and determine a timeline for conversing and interacting.
Setting Clear Protocols
If you have sidelined communication, it is about time to make it a core value. While you are at it, detail the main points of this culture. Maintain transparency, introduce easy and equal access to communication tools, eradicate biased language and acknowledge the Achilles’ hill. This will bring every member on the same page as far interacting and facilitating communication are concerned. If the messages are passing through a chain, analyse the probable breaks and distortions which are pretty common in such cases. Be sure that each task has a designated head and the hierarchy is clear to members.
Understanding Tone and Context
Maintaining the right tone when you are conversing and exchanging information is of utmost importance. Equally important is to keep emotions out of the peripheries and from certain contexts since it mutilates the intended meaning. Emotions can make you disconcerted and prejudiced nullifying the entire point of communication. Try to arrange meetings when you are poised, balanced and calm. Even humour and wit can be regarded as passive-aggression or rudeness in different contexts especially when the medium is non-verbal.