Some tips to survive if you are feeling sleepy at work
- Priyadarshini Kaul Mishra
- 31 March, 2022
- 2 mins ago

Some tips to survive if you are feeling sleepy at work
Feeling sleepy at work is nothing unusual but can affect your productivity adversely. So, what is the solution, let us find out.
Let us face it, we all can feel drowsy and you feel sluggish at work. And all you want is just to have a power nap. And you want to give in to sleep and just wander in our dreamland. So, the best you can do is grab a cup of coffee and let caffeine do its magic. But too much caffeine can make you anxious jittery and can also cause insomnia. So, here are some tips that can help you survive if you are feeling sleepy at work.
Try to plan your meals efficiently
We generally don’t pay a lot of attention to our meals but doctors all over the world stress that it is the food that you put in your mouth that decides that you are going to have a supercharged day or tired and sluggish day. Firstly, most of us skip our breakfastand then go for a quick fix like a granola bar or a bowl of cereals which is full of unnecessary sugar. Try to eat a balanced diet full of nutrients, proteins, grains, vegetables make a difference. If you could manage your blood sugar level efficiently, then your energy level would also be consistent throughout the day.
Roam around and talk to your co-workers
Get out of your workstation and have a word with people around you. Not just about work, ask them about their day, share some funny stories, and have a good laugh. And as they say that a good laugh can always turn your day and make you more charged and energized.
Stay hydrated throughout the day
Yes, that is quite important that you don’t ignore hydrating yourself throughout the day. You might not know that tiredness and sluggishness are one of the signs of fatigue. It is believed that if you skimp on the water then the cells in your body start to shrink and that is what triggers the feeling of fatigue.
Don’t spend all the time indoors, get some sun too
Experts suggest that sunlight can trigger the supply of serotonin in the brain which is a hormone that is responsible for uplifting your mood. And this hormone also the production of excess melatonin that can make you sleepy.
So, which tip you are likely to pick to fight drowsiness at work?