Some surprising things that can influence your dreams
- Priyadarshini Kaul Mishra
- 01 October, 2021
- 2 mins ago

Some surprising things that can influence your dreams
Knowing about the things that can influence your dreams, you can channel some happy dreams and avoid strange nightmares.
Dreams are fascinating; it has captured the imagination of people from times immemorial. Why do we dream? How are they created? Why are some of our dreams so pleasant while others are plain terrifying. Dreams are a subject of speculation not only for common people but for scientists and neurologists. From eating specific food to different sleeping positions, many things can influence our dreams. So, let us know more about the surprising things that can influence our dreams.
Eating spicy food.
Yes, we know that you love your momos with that spicy red chutney, but that very same chutney can be the reason for your nightmares. If you take any spicy, sweet or rich food near your bedtime, you are bound to have bad dreams. These extreme foods can have a rise in your blood sugar level around the time when you are entering REM. Since they are a bit difficult to digest, they may cause heartburn which can cause a pleasing dream to a nightmare.
Certain sounds.
Sometimes amidst a dream, when your dream man is about to propose to you, you hear sirens beeping, and you can’t understand where do sirens come in this all-pleasing dream. Suddenly, you wake and find that your alarm clock is blaring. Experts explain that sounds have the ability to get to your brain during your sleep. They even affect your dream; for example, a shrill sounding alarm would result in a siren sounding in your dreams. So, if you plug in some soft music like ocean waves while sleeping, the chances are that you would find yourself near the ocean or on a beach. This kind of dream can make you feel refreshed on waking up.
Black white television gives you black and white dreams.
You might find it hilarious, but according to a study conducted in the year 2008, the type of television you watched as a child can influence the colour of dreams. Almost 20% of people above 55 years of age often have colourless dreams or are in a vintage black and white. On the contrary, 83% of people who were born when colour television was in vogue had colourful dreams.
Other than that, the music you are listening, the conversations you are having, the book you are reading can influence your dream greatly. So, try to reprogram your brain with happy memories to have a pleasant and refreshing sleep.