Some of the obvious facts backed by science.
- Priyadarshini Kaul Mishra
- 28 September, 2021
- 2 mins ago
Sometimes more than common sense, we tend to listen to facts backed by science. So, here are some “duh! We know” facts backed by science.
News flash for all you Homo Sapiens! Every year, thousands of dollars, time and energy goes into researches about things we all know (common sense) but can’t prove. We, nowadays, have this innate desire to have a reason behind everything like, would you get good grades if you do your homework regularly? So, for all you inquisitive people, here are some obvious facts which are backed by science.
If you want good grades then do your homework regularly.
An economist delved into this experiment and divided his class into two groups. One group was supposed to do their homework and assignments, whereas the other group was not required to do any of these things. The results were obvious, and no brainer, the group who did their homework and assignments regularly scored higher marks in the examination. So, we can safely say that homework is a very important part of the learning process.
Meetings are boring.
Meetings are informative, they pave the way to move ahead and plan, but at the same time, they are boring and dreadful. And the thing that makes them unbearable is that they are numerous and never-ending. In the year 2005, a study by Group Dynamics found that meetings are a bore-fest for employees. Researchers analyzed diary entries of many employees and concluded that meetings hinder the motivation to work hard, and they also make employees grumpy and stressed.
You will buy more veggies and fruits only if they are cheap.
No matter how many dramas, advertisements and pamphlets emphasis the horror of junk food, people are not going to change their ways. The only sure-shot way of getting people to eat a lot of veggies and fruits is discounting. An experiment done by researchers in 2013 found that when people were given discount coupons on fruits and veggies, they bought and consumed a substantial amount of both things. Question arises that they obviously did research on such an obvious thing when the real question is why do they spend less money on nutritional items.
Guitar gets the girl.
Ask any brokenhearted college Romeo; he would stake his life on this ultimate truth, guitarists or musicians get the most attention from the opposite sex. French researchers conducted an experiment of 300 girls and found that they gave their phone numbers to guys with guitar cases in comparison to guys who were empty-handed.
Are you still surprised?