Some Cool Facts About Coffee
There are several people in the world, including me, who just need a freshly brewed hot cuppa first thing in the morning. You pour it into your cup without a second thought or to really help you start thinking. But there’s a lot of history and backstory right inside your cup! Read on to really know more about your favourite caffeinated beverage.
Second in the world
Did you even imagine what the second most traded commodity is after crude oil? Well, our love for coffee seems to be the common factor across the globe because it does come next in trading. With more than 2.5 billion cups consumed every day, it is also one of the oldest commodities traded yet.
Coffee beans are not actually beans
Coffee beans are actually the pits or seeds of bright red or green berries growing on shrubs. The seeds are removed from the fruit and then roasted as a part of the harvest process. They are just called beans since they resemble the shape of a bean!
The world’s most expensive coffee comes from poop!
I know, that sounds weird, but bear with me. “Kopi Luwak” holds the title of the most expensive coffee in the world. This coffee has an additional process of digestion added to it. The Asian Palm Civet from Indonesia eats the coffee beans, and apparently, the brewers then collect the cherries, since they cannot eat them. The civet’s digestive enzymes add a distinct flavour to the final brew.
Confusion with ‘Espresso” and “Expresso”
The Correct pronunciation of “espresso” is an argument that never gets old. The word basically means “pressed-out” or “expressed” in Italian. It is a method where the espresso is made out by forcing very hot water under pressure through finely-ground coffee. So I get it where the Italians are coming from, but the correct pronunciation is definitely ES-presso.
People have tried to ban coffee before
Can you believe this!? Neither can I, but the first attempt to ban this beloved beverage was in Meccain 1511 because it was believed to have stimulated radical thinking. It was then considered an intoxicant like wine. Even as recently as the 18th century in Sweden, the government banned coffee and its accessories like cups and dishes were banned by the government for its apparent linkages with the rebellious sentiments.
The world’s first webcam was for coffee
The first webcam came into this world, all thanks to a pot of coffee. Folks working at the University of Cambridge got quite fed up as to who was finishing the coffee from the pot so quickly, that they invented a webcam just to catch the culprit!
These were some fun facts that made us know more about the favouritecuppajoe and its link to the world’s history and culture.