Published By: Sanjukta

Skincare layering: What is it and how to do it right?

Remember this Skincare layering is always thinnest to thickest products

Layering skincare products correctly can make a big difference in the effectiveness of your routine. Here's a breakdown of how to approach skincare layering for both day and night, ensuring you get the most out of your products.

Why Layer Skincare?

Layering skincare products is essential because no single product can address all skin concerns effectively. By layering, you can target multiple issues simultaneously. For example, you might use Vitamin C for brightening and a retinol for anti-aging. This approach allows you to customize your routine based on your skin's specific needs and enhances the overall effectiveness of your products.

Golden rule of skincare layering

The primary rule for applying skincare products is to use them from the thinnest to the thickest texture. Thin products, like serums and liquid treatments, should be applied first because they can be absorbed more easily by the skin. Thicker products, such as creams, should be applied later to avoid blocking the absorption of the lighter products. This method ensures that each product performs its best and delivers its benefits without interference.

Daytime Skincare Routine

The morning routine is designed to prepare your skin for the day while protecting it from environmental aggressors.

Begin with a gentle cleanser to remove any overnight buildup and create a clean canvas for the rest of your products.

Following cleansing, apply a toner to balance your skin’s pH and provide an extra layer of hydration. Opt for toners that offer hydrating ingredients to boost moisture levels and refresh your skin.

Next, use a serum rich in antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, which helps neutralize free radicals and brightens your complexion. Vitamin C is especially effective in the morning as it also offers some protection against environmental damage.

After the serum, apply a lightweight moisturizer to hydrate and lock in the benefits of the previous steps.

Finally, finish with a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen should always be the last step in your morning routine to ensure it forms a protective barrier against sun exposure.

Nighttime Skincare Routine

The evening routine focuses on cleansing and repairing the skin after a day of exposure to environmental pollutants and makeup.

Start with a double cleanse: first, use an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup and impurities, followed by a water-based cleanser to ensure all residue is gone. This two-step process ensures your skin is thoroughly clean.

After cleansing, apply any active ingredients such as retinol or salicylic acid. Retinol is particularly effective at night as it can increase your skin’s sensitivity to sunlight.

Following the active ingredients, use a richer moisturizer to support your skin’s overnight repair processes. Night creams often contain ingredients that promote skin regeneration and repair. If needed, you can apply additional treatments like overnight masks or targeted treatments based on your skin's specific needs.

These treatments can address particular concerns and enhance the overall efficacy of your nighttime routine.

Know about incompatible ingredients

Be cautious about layering certain ingredients together. For example, combining retinol with acids (like AHAs or BHAs) can lead to irritation and dryness because both are exfoliants. Similarly, mixing benzoyl peroxide with retinol can negate the benefits of retinol and potentially cause skin irritation.

What to use when there are more than one serum?

When using multiple serums, apply water-based serums before oil-based ones. This ensures that lighter, water-based products are absorbed fully before the heavier, oil-based products. Additionally, prioritize serums with the most active ingredients based on your skin concerns. For instance, use Vitamin C in the morning and retinol in the evening to avoid sensitivity and maximize benefits.

Sensitive Skin Considerations

If you have sensitive skin, introduce new active ingredients slowly. Start with lower concentrations and gradually increase usage as your skin builds tolerance. This helps avoid excessive irritation and allows your skin to adapt to new products more comfortably.