Six Tell-tale signs That Suggest You Are An Elegant And Classy Woman

Elegance and class are the two essential qualities for being graceful in behavior and appearance.

Being an elegant and classy woman usually depends on how you respond in various situations, treat other people, and how you behave when no one is looking. Elegance is all about a person’s sense of self and how they treat others and tackle difficult situations. A classy woman is genuine, trustworthy, and kind—and you would want to establish a meaningful relationship with them. Check out some tell-tale signs that suggest you are a classy woman.

You are always respectful toward others.

Elegant women are respectful to others and themselves. They can respect their boundaries, and they do not permit other people to violate them. She sets her boundaries, and at the same time, she respects other people’s energy, time, love, and empathy. She will elegantly establish her boundaries with grace, understanding, and empathy, and never degrade others.

You do what you say.

Classy women do what they say. They value their sense of self and never do things they disapprove of. A lot of people admire you because you comply with your values regardless of how tough the situation gets — and how you prioritize your integrity.

You are open-minded.

An elegant woman never judges others. They are confident but are not rude. They are always keen on gaining knowledge about new things and are respectful toward the culture of other people. They avoid thrusting their beliefs on others, and especially an elegant woman understands that there is always a lot to learn from others.

You give space to people when they need it.

Social media may convince you to believe that there is nothing wrong in intervening in other people’s business but in reality, every individual is entitled to their personal space and privacy. Classy women respect boundaries and never invade other people’s space.

You value people's time.

It is okay to be late sometimes, but proper planning and punctuality are essential adult skills that will not only help you but also the people around you. Learn to value other people's time, their itineraries, and communicate clearly if you need to readjust a meeting time or if you have to postpone the plan.

You make everyone comfortable.

Classy women are poised and are more than just prim. They can make other people comfortable with their calming presence. They are flexible and can blend in every social setting — from a fun girls’ night out to a formal event.

If you exude all these characteristics, you are a classy woman.