Six Positive Phrases Every Parent Should Teach Their Children And Why
Use these simple yet powerful phrases during your toddler’s formative years. Your child is listening.
- Satavisha
- 01 March, 2024
- 2 mins ago
Use these simple yet powerful phrases during your toddler’s formative years. Your child is listening.
Every parent wants to raise well-behaved, empathetic, and good children — who are confident, curious, respectful, kind and resilient.
However, our words and behaviour shape our kids and determine what kind of person they will become. According to experts, some important positive phrases can help model our children at a young age. Many of these phrases may sound very simple, yet they can have a surprising impact on kids' mindset and their abilities to thrive.
By fueling your little one’s inquisitiveness, you can make them confident enough to voice their opinion in the years to come. Let us go through six positive phrases every parent should teach their child and we will also tell you why.
“I’ve got this!”
Every parent wants their child to develop a “growth mindset”—which propagates the idea that through hard work and determination, one can hone their skills or talent. Conversely, people with a fixed mindset believe their intelligence is innate—therefore, it cannot be improved through hard work.
People with a fixed mindset often feel inadequate — their ability feels deficient — and as a result, their confidence often dwindles. However, individuals with a growth mindset are always keen on learning new strategies and working harder. Encouraging your toddler to use phrases such as “I’ve got this” can bolster their self-belief when challenges arise.
“No question is stupid.”
Children love asking too many questions — and sometimes they just don’t know when to stop. They are curious all the time, and that inquisitiveness is wonderful! However, answering questions day in and day out can be exhausting for caregivers and parents.
As a result, you may sometimes feel overwhelmed and inadvertently deflect your little one’s curiosity. But it is essential to teach your little one that they are not stupid for asking questions and that seeking answers from people is a good habit.
“It’s alright to make mistakes. Just confess it honestly.”
We all make mistakes, and it is an indispensable part of our lives. If you teach your kids this simple phrase, you are in a way conveying that messing up is natural. But what matters is how we handle the situation.
Almost every parent wants to cultivate this trait in their kid—and to achieve this goal, you have to make your little one believe that making mistakes in the family is acceptable. You can teach them that mistakes can be forgiven if accompanied by honesty—it will encourage your children to speak the truth without fear of being punished.
“Everything will be OK.”
You must teach your children healthy coping mechanisms to help them face difficult situations with optimism. Life is replete with challenges, but comforting phrases like “Everything will be OK,” or “You will overcome this” can boost confidence and positivity. It is critical to teach children that they possess the ability to perceive pitfalls as just another opportunity to do better in future. When they are upset, you remind them—that all challenges are temporary, and they have the power to remedy them.
“Think how you can solve the issue.”
Do not always solve your child’s problems. Instead, you should encourage them to find solutions to their problem on their own. When they learn to figure things out on their own—they will become good problem solvers. It will also provide them the opportunity to see that they are mentally strong enough to overcome all the challenges on their own.
“You are thoughtful and kind.”
By recognizing and appreciating your child’s good behaviours, you can make them more aware of their positive traits and encourage them to be kind. When you notice your little one exhibiting any positive trait, acknowledge them immediately.
Good parenting is all about using positive words in your child’s presence so that they can repeat those phrases during difficult times in their life—and never lose sight of hope and optimism.