Six literary characters you wish you met in life

What you read affects you in more ways than you know

We may grow attached to a fictional character without expecting it and although they are not real, we take away something from what they say or do. In reality, they have a significant effect on us.

Holden Caulfield: If you have read The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, you probably know just how influential Holden Caulfield is. He is just 17 years old but already a cynic. He sees the world differently from anyone else, and despises the phoniness that comes with growing up. Holden has dimension and complexity which is why he is probably one of the top literary characters we'd love to meet!

Sherlock Holmes: I don’t know if there need for an explanation as to why Sherlock Holmes is on this list. He is a legendary detective and extremely popular worldwide. Sherlock Holmes has the best skills in communication, deductive reasoning and it seems like his brain works a thousand times faster than any other average brain. Meeting him would be intimidating, but it would be interesting to see what he can tell you just from a glance!

Katniss Everdeen:The Hunger Games is now one of the most popular trilogies worldwide, and it stands out when compared to other books. Instead of the storyline revolving around a helpless girl who always needs saving, Katniss Everdeen is a hero herself. She is a strong and courageous female character that can take care of her loved ones. She has class, integrity and honour that make her an inspiring character.

Jay Gatsby: You must have read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald during your high school career or some other time in your life. The story of Jay Gatsby is melancholy and dark, but as readers we still become very interested in his life. There is a reason why the word ‘great’ precedes his name. As a character he made his American dream come true, he changed his life and reached his goals. However, the higher you climb, the harder you fall and that’s exactly what happened to Gatsby.

Hua Mulan: You might be familiar with Mulan from the famous Disney movie, but Mulan is actually a legendary character from a Chinese poem, The Ballad of Mulan. The poem was written to show gender equality, so Mulan was depicted as a strong female figure who is outspoken and self-reliant. She is a really influential character to people of all ages!

Charlie: Charlie from the Perks of Being a Wallflower may be one of the most influential characters in literature. He lives in his own head, trying to figure out life and its meaning. He says things we have all thought of at some point in our lives and he is honest. He is a wallflower! There is part of each and everyone one of us in him, which makes it a lot easier to relate to him as a person.

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