Six futuristic technologies that will change the world

The last decade has seen tremendous advancement in the technology space with the emergence in the areas of robotics, artificial intelligence or 3D printing. We bring to you some exciting technology that will change the way we live.

The last decade has seen tremendous advancement in the technology space with the emergence in the areas of robotics, artificial intelligence or 3D printing. We bring to you some exciting technology that will change the way we live.

Xenobots, the living robots

Designed using supercomputer technology, the researchers and biologists repurposed from STEM cells to create a new life form. Xenobiotics are a millimetre wide and are living programmable organisms. In future that can be used to target medication in a specific pain point of a patient or even clean oceans of plastic waste!

Silicon-neuron chip

Scientists are able to create artificial neuron and embed them on silicon chips. These silicon-neuron chips can mimic real-life human nervous system. This technology can be a game-changer in the healthcare space as these chips can be implanted in the patients suffering from Alzheimer’s or heart ailment to treat varied conditions.

3D printing anything

It is revolutionizing how we are building our homes, designing cars or products. 3D printing is also being used in printing vitamins and food items, especially designed and modified to meet varied biological and health needs. It is even used to explore designing rockets to reach Mars and build human colony infrastructure there.

Living concrete and bricks

Scientists have found a technology that converts the ordinary red brick into supercapacitors, an energy storing device. Moreover, we have living concrete! It is created from a combination of sand, bacteria and gel; this concrete has the ability to heal any damaged cracks and glow forever.

Exoskeletons, Iron Man is real

Ford partnered with Esko Bionics to create Exoskeleton. When the workers wear it, their fatigue is substantially reduced, and even chances of injury are drastically reduced. Even the military is working on designing such exoskeletons to protect soldiers and dramatically enhance their performance.

Floating farms

As the human population is increasing at a rapid pace, we will soon run out of land to farm and meet our food needs. The solution is floating farms on rivers and oceans near-futuristic smart cities. A 3-layered farm structure is envisioned that will have solar energy panels on top, crop tier beneath using not soil but nutrients suspended in the liquid. Now that’s futuristic!

There are several more like the ability to download your brain onto a computer, dissolving physical and virtual space or autonomous technology that will redefine the way we live in future! So, get ready for the future!

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