Six Common Gardening Myths Debunked: Churn Out Facts From Fiction
Gardening as a hobby is rewarding but is not free of misconceptions and myths that need to be debunked for a better harvest.
- Satavisha
- 29 April, 2024
- 2 mins ago

Six Common Gardening Myths Debunked: Churn Out Facts From Fiction
Gardening as a hobby is rewarding but is not free of misconceptions and myths that need to be debunked for a better harvest.
Gardening—as you may already know—is an ancient practice and is replete with age-old mythical legends. Whether you are a novice gardener or an experienced green thumb—it is easy to get convinced that these quirky gardening lores, generously preached in gardening guides and often shared as “neighbourly word-of-mouth" are true. You might think that it worked for your mom’s garden, it should work for you, too. But it might not be that way. Therefore, it is essential to churn out gardening myths from facts—and we are here to help you identify some common misconceptions.
Myth 1: The Structure of Clay Soil Can Be Improved by Adding Sand
You have likely heard many times that clay soil with poor draining capacity can be improved by adding sand. While it might sound credible—since sandy soil drains well—it is a myth. If you add sand to your clay soil, it will get incredibly hard, resulting in rotting roots and sodden conditions. To enhance soil structure, you should add adequate organic matter like homemade compost or grow veggies on a raised bed to support better drainage.
Myth 2: Tree Cuts and Wounds Should Be Dressed.
Pruning is essential, especially in winter but many gardeners advise dressing fresh tree cuts by applying tar, a special pruning paint or sealant to prevent the wound from further decaying and attracting diseases.
But this procedure hinders the tree’s natural healing process—your green baby is perfectly capable of doing that job without any external help. It will form a natural callus over the wound to keep disease and bugs at bay.
Myth 3: You Cannot Grow Anything Under A Walnut Tree.
Walnut trees have been wrongfully accused of fostering a secret weapon that helps eliminate competition—and that is juglone—a naturally occurring chemical that can hinder the growth in some other plants. This gave birth to the prevalent myth that no other plant can under a walnut tree. However, this is partially true. Some plants cannot thrive if planted under a walnut tree, but many plants are tolerant of juglone and will thrive.
Myth 4: Pest Problems Can Be Avoided By Growing Native Plants
While it is true that native plants typically demand less maintenance than their exotic counterparts—assuming they are free of pests is misleading. Often, pests adapt to native plants and local flora, wreaking havoc on the harvest. Systematic pest management practices and regular inspection can help maintain the health of your plants, regardless of origin.
Myth 5: Soil Quality Can Be Enhanced by Burying Rusty Nails
This idea has likely emerged from a rudimentary understanding of chemistry. Iron is a vital nutrient for plants, so you might be convinced that burying some old nails can support the growth of your plants. However, when the iron nails react with oxygen to develop rust—it is in a form that cannot be absorbed by plants. The iron should be in a soluble form to get absorbed by the plants. If your plants lack iron, consider adding an iron-rich fertiliser or compost to the soil.
Myth 6: Splashing Leftover Tea Can Fertilise The Soil
Tea leaves are rich in nutrients—so why not scatter leftover tea onto your veggie patch? While it is true that tea leaves are nitrogen-rich and contain other nutrients—these are in a form that is accessible by plants. In addition, other tea elements—such as fluorine and aluminium—may hinder your plant’s growth. Instead, administer an effective liquid feed into the soil to support the healthy growth of your plants.
Your garden is not a lab for carrying out bizarre experiments—it is a thriving ecosystem and needs proper care. Don’t just try anything you hear, it can do more harm than good.