Signs you are a part of a rebound relationship

It hurts when you are being used as a salve to another’s heartbreak.

Meeting and dating another person after a breakup provides an escape. It makes the sting of the breakup less painful when someone still has lingering feelings for their ex. But ending up on the wrong side of the rebound i.eyou are the rebound can leave you feeling used. And that’s not a good feeling.

If you have doubts that the person you are dating is in a rebound relationship with you, you’re probably should trust your gut. But before you act in haste, here are a few signs that you are a part of a rebound relationship.

They are way into you too soon

One quick way to fix a broken heart is getting back on the dating field and they seem to take it too seriously. Do you feel like they are using your infatuation for you to avoid their feelings? Or they already adore you and call you their forever even though you met like a week back? Yes? Pay attention to it.

Their relationship ended short time before they met you

The duration between their breakup and getting together with you is shorter. If it makes you wonder if they have had closure before getting together with you, its best to move cautiously.

You can’t reach them emotionally

If they are trying to bury the hurt form their breakup, they can be emotionally distant. If you sense them pulling away when it gets to the point of vulnerability, chances are they are using you as rebound.

The relationship is flaunted at social events

If you feel like you are being kept as an eye candy or a partner to show off at gatherings where their ex seems to be a frequent flyer, it’s not only wrong but also a red flag that you might be in a rebound relationship.

Oversharing the relationship on social media

A lot of couple-y posts on social media with gushy captions, it might their way to grab attention of their ex. The posts seem a bit extra, it because it’s not directed at you.

You feel the relationship is moving fast but also making no progress

You hang out couple times for a long time, you go out, enjoy with each other but overall, the relationship seems stagnant.

You don’t really do the getting to know each other

If you feel like the conversations are on a surface level and they don’t volunteer to talk much about themselves, it’s because you are just a rebound and they have no intention to get to know you or vice versa.

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