Signs that signal that you are burnt-out and how can you bounce back at work
- Priyadarshini Kaul Mishra
- 31 March, 2022
- 2 mins ago

Signs that signal that you are burnt-out and how can you bounce back at work
Are you feeling fatigued, stressed at work and the simple tasks that you could finish in an hour are taking most of your working day? Chances are that you are experiencing burnout!
In your hectic day-to-day life, you may come across a time when you feel drained and stressed out and your work efficiency is at an all-time low. You are getting tired and strained by doing the same things again and again. These are all signs of the feeling of burnt-out. And the feeling is not very uncommon, it happens to the majority of us. But how can we find out whether we are burnt out and what should we do to bounce back.
Loss of confidence that leads to a poor performance
Work is never easy rather it grows more and more demanding as you keep rising in your career. If you notice a downfall in your performance at work and reduced or less confidence in taking up new challenges, then it clearly proves that you are suffering from a burn-out.
How can we change it?
Treat the reason why you start the job in the first place as a source of inspiration. Think about the reasons why you were hired. Think about all the uplifting thoughts that help you and your dreams. Devise plans to avoid any distractions at work and so, before venturing to the work make sure you have good 8 hours of sleep and reduce the interactions that can potentially drain your energy levels.
You start to become more pessimist
Then comes the worst part, which is the constant pessimism. Complaining over trivial matters to which you didn’t pay heed in the past is a sure sign of pessimism. If you find that your subordinates and peers are constantly pointing out your negative interactions recently, you might be becoming a bit more pessimistic. And especially when are you burnt out, you find it hard to find positive and hopeful situations around you.
How can you change your mindset?
You must not let go of the positive outlook even when you are stressed and burnt out. The only thing that can do is to create a positive mindset. You are capable of doing anything and it is your duty to make this mindset aligned with your thoughts as well as actions.
The feeling of being burnt out can creep up on someone anytime but the best you can do it let your mind and body recover and restore your peace of mind.