Published By: Rinks

Shukto: Everything about the hero of Bengali cuisine that finds mention even in Ayurveda

Discover the unique flavours and health benefits of Shukto, a traditional Bengali dish celebrated in both culinary heritage and Ayurveda.

Bengali cuisine is celebrated for its rich flavours and diverse ingredients. Among its many delicacies, the one dish that stands out for its unique taste and nutritional benefits is Shukto. Often overlooked in favour of more famous dishes, Shukto is a medley of bitter, sweet, and savoury flavours that not only tantalise the taste buds but also hold significant Ayurvedic value. This traditional dish embodies the essence of balanced eating and wellness. Read on!

The origins and cultural significance of Shukto

Shukto holds a special place in Bengali households, often served as the first course in traditional meals. Its origins can be traced back to the kitchens of Bengal, where it was crafted to balance the palate before the main courses. The dish is typically prepared with a mix of vegetables, including bitter gourd, which is believed to stimulate appetite and aid digestion.

Culturally, Shukto is more than just a dish; it is a symbol of tradition and familial bonding. Passed down through generations, the recipe for Shukto varies slightly from family to family, adding a personal touch to its preparation. It is often served during special occasions and festive meals, highlighting its importance in Bengali culture.

The ingredients

Shukto is a harmonious blend of various vegetables and spices. The key ingredients include bitter gourd, raw banana, drumsticks, potatoes, sweet potatoes, brinjal, and bori. The dish is flavoured with ginger, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, and a special Bengali five-spice mix called panch phoron. Milk and a hint of sugar are added to balance the bitterness of the vegetables.

Each ingredient in Shukto has its own health benefits. Bitter gourd is known for its sugar-regulating properties, raw banana provides essential vitamins and minerals, and drumsticks are rich in antioxidants. The combination of these vegetables creates a nutrient-dense dish that supports overall health.

Ayurvedic perspective

In Ayurveda, Shukto is highly regarded for its ability to balance the doshas (the three fundamental bodily humours: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). The bitter taste of the bitter gourd is said to pacify Pitta and Kapha, while the other vegetables provide grounding and nourishing properties that balance Vata.

According to Ayurvedic principles, incorporating a variety of tastes in each meal is essential for maintaining health and well-being. Shukto, with its blend of bitter, sweet, and astringent flavours, epitomises this concept. It aids in detoxification, improves digestion, and enhances the body’s metabolism. The inclusion of spices like ginger and fenugreek further boosts its digestive properties.


Preparing Shukto is an art that requires patience and precision. The vegetables are typically cut into uniform pieces and lightly fried or boiled. The cooking process begins with tempering mustard and fenugreek seeds in oil, followed by adding ginger paste and the vegetables. Water and milk are added to create a light gravy, and the dish is simmered until the vegetables are tender.

The final touch involves adding a hint of sugar and a few drops of ghee (clarified butter), which enhances the flavour and aroma. The result is a delicate, creamy dish with a complex flavour profile that is both soothing and invigorating.

Shukto in modern diets

In today’s health-conscious world, Shukto can be a valuable addition to the diet. It is low in calories, high in fibre, and packed with essential nutrients. For those looking to explore traditional recipes with health benefits, Shukto offers a perfect blend of taste and nutrition.

Moreover, Shukto’s emphasis on using seasonal and locally available vegetables aligns with sustainable eating practices. It encourages the consumption of a diverse range of vegetables, promoting biodiversity and supporting local farmers.

Shukto is more than just a dish; it is a celebration of Bengali culinary heritage and Ayurvedic wisdom. Its unique combination of flavours and health benefits makes it a valuable addition to any meal. By embracing Shukto, we not only honour a traditional recipe but also adopt a balanced, nutritious approach to eating that supports overall well-being.