Scientific ways to make waiting easier.
Say “no” to theexcruciating process of waiting. Try these scientific ways that would make the process of waiting a bit easier.
Waiting is one of the worst experiences an individual can go through. Either it is the boredom of waiting for someone or waiting in line or anxiety of waiting for something like health test results or exam results. Social psychologists are studying the behaviour of people in anannoying and stressful situation. And thanks to their in-depth analysis, science has come up with certain tricks that can make the process of waiting slightly easier for you. So, have a look at some of these ways.
Have a friend wait with you.
Studies have revealed that bringing a friend along with you can reduce the anxiety, boredom and stress of waiting. In an experiment, it was revealed that people who socialized with friends did not find the break or waiting time stressful whereas, those who were with strangers or by themselves they experienced the stress of waiting.
Listen to the music.
If you are a nervous wreck, waiting for your exam result or are stuck in a queue, listening to music can really help you. The music does not have to be of your choice, but any sort of music calms you down and makes the process of waiting bearable.
Meditate and be mindful.
If you are stuck in a queue or are waiting for behind dozens of people to get your hands on your favourite coffee, don’t panic, instead, try to breathe easy and practice a bit of mindfulness. Try to be in the present and erase all negative thoughts from your mind. Think of all the things you are grateful for and all the little happiness in your life.
Accept that you have to wait.
Waiting becomes all the more excruciating when you realize that your waiting is unfair to you. For example, if you see someone cut the queue in front of you and succeeds, you tend to feel frustration and anger. This would make the process of waiting seem even more longer. So, accept that things are going to take time and you have to wait. This acceptance sometimes calms our minds down, and we can go through the process of waiting more easily.
And lastly, remember to breathe. Even the slow and even breathes taken from your abdomen would kick in the ample amount of oxygen in your blood. It would help to lower the stress and anxiety levels, making waiting easier.