Published By: Ahvana Paul

Reignite Your Purpose: Effective Ways to Stay Productive and Inspired

There comes a time in life when you suddenly feel like you have very little work, especially after an extremely gruelling period. These phases are tough, and though unavoidable, sometimes make you stressed and restless, and you end up feeling worse, making it impossible to enjoy the free time, that you always wish for! If you are feeling like that, here are some ways for you to deal with this phase, and prevent yourself from feeling futile.

Create a wish list of everything you promised to do once you're free

It so happens, that when we are busy, we end up saying “Oh! I wish I had time to do this!”. Well, now is your time! The best thing you can do is start by making your wishlist! It can be the desire to learn a new language, pursue an art form, travel somewhere or even as simple as watch a new show, or start a new book that has been lying on your shelf, untouched since it was brought home! Make the list and start ticking things off your list! These are all the things that probably help you live, and go beyond just surviving and breathing! 

Remember all those times you wished you could take it easy

It is true, that the grass is always greener on the other side. However, instead of lamenting what you don’t have, first of all, try and remember that it is temporary. Secondly, try and reflect on all the times, that you wished you could take it easy, take a break, and rejuvenate yourself. Well, this is your time to do so. So, remember that each time, and enjoy your break. Sleep in, take care of yourself, exercise, and refresh yourself!  For all you know, life will end up getting super busy soon!

Do something to get your creative juices flowing

Are you somebody who always dreamt of doing something creative? Perhaps, write a screenplay, or go back to a hobby you had once abandoned, such as music? Well, if you have the time, why not take those dreams, from the shelves you stacked them into, and start trying it out? You don’t have to be perfect but do learn that one creative activity. Pick it up, and experiment again. That is sure to keep you engaged, and perhaps you will be able to make a mark in another field. It is time to relive that childhood dream once again! Don’t while it away stressing!

Learn a language- it is as good a time as any

If you are keen on learning a particular language but never have the time to do so, then this is the best time to begin. That way, you will also be using your brain, and having fun! Maybe you can enroll in a course, or just look up some online free courses/ videos to start learning. No matter what field you are in, learning a language is always a useful thing, and helps!

Volunteer Somewhere!

Another very nice thing to do which can help you do something useful during this time is to volunteer somewhere for some event or at some library/ museum/ shelter. Such things allow you to not only spend your time, but teach you a lot, and expand your horizons. This is also a good way to meet people and remain socially active, which is crucial for you to remain happy during this time!