Quick and Delicious Chocolate Pudding Recipe for Late Night Cravings

If you are in the mood for something chocolaty and gooey, we have got you. This amazing chocolate pudding is a treat for your taste buds – and so easy to make! You can make it right at home! What to do when it’s the middle of the night and you get a severe dessert …

If you are in the mood for something chocolaty and gooey, we have got you. This amazing chocolate pudding is a treat for your taste buds – and so easy to make! You can make it right at home!

What to do when it’s the middle of the night and you get a severe dessert craving? Make it yourself, of course! But the issue with complicated recipes is that by the time you end up making the dish, you lose interest and are so tired that you just cannot enjoy it. That is why you will love this amazing chocolate pudding recipe. All it needs is a little whipping and chilling. The end result is a rich, silky, perfectly gooey classic pudding. So, let’s get started and prepare to dive right into this silky, chocolaty heaven.

Chilled Chocolate Pudding

What You Need:

  • 4 cups milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 cup white flour
  • 4 tbsp unsweetened dark cacao
  • 6 oz dark chocolate
  • 3 tbsp unsalted butter
  • ¾ to 1 tsp xanthan gum

What To Do:

  • Take a pan and add the cocoa, sugar, flour, and xanthan gum to it.
  • Start adding the milk gradually while stirring the mixture continuously.
  • Now, put the pan on the stove set to medium heat. Keep stirring at regular intervals until the concoction starts to boil.
  • Once it starts boiling, let it boil for about a minute. However, keep stirring continuously.
  • Remove the pan from heat.
  • Now, add the chocolate and butter to the mixture. Stir till it gets completely dissolved.
  • Pour the pudding into individual dessert dishes or glasses. You can eat them as they are, warm and gooey, but they do taste better chilled.
  • Refrigerate them for a minimum of three hours.
  • Get a spoon, and get busy!

Tip: To prevent a separated gooey layer from forming, press a cling wrap directly onto the surface of the pudding after pouring it into glasses.

Variations To This Pudding:

If you are on a health mission, it doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy this dessert from time to time. Simply use stevia instead of sugar, or any sugar substitute you like.

You can also replace the flour with full fat cream and reduce the amount of milk in the dessert.

If you want to add some texture to the pudding, you can add roasted cashews or almonds to the dish.

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