Published By: Sougata Dutta

Peacocks In The Backyard: What You Need To Know Before Getting One?

Majestic responsibilities of keeping a Peacock as a pet.

Imagine stepping into your backyard to be greeted by the vibrant hues and regal presence of peacocks. These magnificent birds, known for their stunning plumage and graceful demeanour, can indeed make for an enchanting addition to your property. However, keeping peacocks is not as simple as adopting a cat or a dog. Here’s what you need to know before welcoming these exotic creatures into your backyard.

Understanding Peacocks

Peacocks, technically called peafowls (with males being peacocks and females peahens), are native to South Asia but have found homes in various parts of the world due to their beauty and cultural significance. The most common type in captivity is the Indian Peafowl, characterised by its iridescent blue and green plumage.

Space Requirements

One of the most crucial factors to consider is space. Peacocks are large birds and require ample space to roam. They are ground dwellers but need a significant area to spread their wings and forage. A typical backyard may not suffice unless it is expansive. Ideally, you should have at least an acre of land per bird to ensure they have enough space to exercise and explore.

Shelter and Protection

While peacocks are hardy and can adapt to various climates, they do need proper shelter to protect them from extreme weather conditions and predators. A secure, spacious coop is essential. The shelter should be well-ventilated, dry, and safe from predators like raccoons, foxes, and even domestic dogs. Providing roosting perches inside the coop will give them a comfortable place to rest.

Diet and Feeding

Peacocks have a varied diet that includes grains, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and insects. They particularly enjoy foraging for bugs, which can help keep your garden pest-free. However, you must supplement their diet with a high-quality poultry feed to ensure they get all necessary nutrients. Freshwater should always be available.

Noise Levels

Peacocks are not quiet birds. They are known for their loud, distinctive calls, especially during the breeding season. These calls can carry over long distances and might not be appreciated by your neighbours. Before getting peacocks, consider the noise factor and whether it is suitable for your living situation.

Social Needs

Peafowls are social birds and thrive in groups. Keeping a single peacock can lead to loneliness and behavioural issues. It is advisable to have at least a pair or more. However, be cautious with the ratio of males to females; having too many males can lead to aggressive behaviour and fighting.

Health and Veterinary Care

Like all animals, peafowls require regular health check-ups. Find a veterinarian experienced with exotic birds. Common health issues in peafowls include parasites, respiratory infections, and nutritional deficiencies. Regular deworming and vaccinations are necessary to keep them healthy.

Legal Considerations

Before bringing peacocks home, check local regulations and zoning laws. In some areas, keeping peacocks may be restricted or require special permits. Ensure you comply with all legal requirements to avoid any complications.

Potential Damage

Peacocks can be quite destructive to gardens and landscaping. They enjoy scratching and pecking at plants, and their droppings can be substantial. If you have a meticulously maintained garden, you might need to reconsider or find ways to peacock-proof certain areas.


Peacocks are long-lived birds, with lifespans that can extend over 20 years with proper care. This is a long-term commitment that requires significant time, effort, and resources. Be sure you are ready for such a commitment before deciding to keep peacocks.

Peacocks can indeed add a touch of exotic beauty to your backyard, but they come with specific needs and challenges. Ensure you have the space, resources, and dedication required to care for these majestic birds. Proper preparation and a clear understanding of their needs will help you provide a suitable and enriching environment for your peacocks, making the experience rewarding for both you and your feathered friends.