Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Parkour for Beginners – Learning the Basics of Urban Freerunning for Fitness and Agility

Have you ever watched someone effortlessly vault over a wall, leap between buildings, or gracefully roll across the ground and wondered how they do it?

This captivating practice is known as parkour, a form of urban freerunning that combines physical agility, focus, and creativity. Whether you're looking to enhance your fitness, challenge your limits, or simply add some excitement to your workout routine, parkour offers a unique way to engage your body and mind. Let's explore the basics of parkour for beginners and how you can start your journey in this exhilarating discipline.

All about Parkour

Parkour, also known as freerunning, originated in France in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It was developed by David Belle and a group of friends who sought to move efficiently and fluidly through their environment. The core philosophy of parkour is to overcome obstacles in the most efficient way possible using only the human body. This means running, jumping, climbing, and rolling to navigate urban landscapes with precision and speed.

Getting Started with Parkour

Warm-Up and Stretching

Before you start practicing parkour, a proper warm-up is essential to prevent injuries. Focus on dynamic stretches that target your legs, arms, and core. Include exercises like jumping jacks, high knees, lunges, and arm circles to get your blood flowing and muscles ready.

Basic Movements


Learning how to land safely is crucial in parkour. When you jump from a height, bend your knees slightly upon landing to absorb the impact. Aim to land on the balls of your feet and roll forward to distribute the force.


The parkour roll helps you dissipate the impact of a fall and protect your joints. Start by practicing on a soft surface. Tuck your chin to your chest, roll over one shoulder, and distribute the impact along your back.

Precision Jump

This movement involves jumping from one point to another with accuracy. Practice jumping and landing on specific targets, such as lines on the ground or small platforms. Focus on controlling your movements and maintaining balance.


Vaults are techniques used to overcome obstacles like walls and railings. There are several types of vaults, but beginners should start with the basic ones:

Safety Vault

Approach the obstacle at a moderate speed. Place one hand on the obstacle and swing your opposite leg over while keeping your other leg trailing behind. Land smoothly on the other side.

Lazy Vault

Similar to the safety vault, but performed with a more relaxed and fluid motion. Place one hand on the obstacle and swing both legs to the side, landing on the other side in a controlled manner.

Climbing and Descending

Wall Run

Approach a wall at a sprint. Place one foot on the wall and push off, using your hands to grab the top edge and pull yourself up. Practice on lower walls before attempting higher ones.

Cat Leap

This involves jumping towards a wall or ledge and grabbing it with both hands while your feet land against the surface. Use your legs to absorb the impact and then pull yourself up.

Finding Practice Spots

Start practicing in environments that are safe and familiar. Look for playgrounds, parks, and urban areas with a variety of obstacles at different heights. Ensure that the surfaces are stable and free from hazards.

Parkour is a thrilling and rewarding discipline that challenges both your body and mind. By starting with the basics and gradually building your skills, you can experience the joy of fluid movement and the satisfaction of overcoming obstacles. Remember to stay safe, practice regularly, and have fun. Whether you're navigating the urban jungle or just looking to add some excitement to your fitness routine, parkour offers endless opportunities for growth and exploration. So, lace up your sneakers, find your first obstacle, and embark on your journey into the world of urban freerunning.