Music Of United States
Music of mixed culture
The best thing about the United States is its amalgamation of so many cultures from so many regions throughout the world.
From the period of discovery of America, people from European, Asian and African countries came to the US with different intentions and settled there. Due to this, all their arts and culture came together and developed multidimensional art forms in the US, especially in the case of Music.
Let's know about the amalgamation and the varieties of creation in the field of Music in the US.
People in the US
From the time of the discovery of America by Europe and the establishment of imperialism, the influence of the native american has been diminishing. People from different countries of Europe - mainly England, Germany, France; Ireland, Latin America - came in huge numbers and settled in America. Later slaves were brought to America from West Africa. Slaves were brought from third world countries including the Asian countries.
Even after the first era of imperialism, many people from different parts of the world came to America at different times and became permanent residents. And whoever came, they brought with them their culture, their art, their music. Imported different languages - different genres of melody - different types of musical instruments. All together, various genres of music have been created. There were old trends, and many new ones were added.
Types of Music cultivated in the US
US has worldwide fame for the variety of genres of music. The variety includes Jazz, hip hop, blues, pop, country, rock, bluegrass, rock & roll, country soul,disco, techno, gospel, doo-wop, americana, funk, salsa, tejano, reggaeton, boogaloo, surf, native folk genre and a few more.
Pop and electropop are output of European influence. Whereas hip hop, salsa, boogaloo are the results of African influence.
Mixture of African-American and Euro-American trends resulted as Jazz, Blues, Rock, Country- these kinds of genres.
Besides, classical music was always being cultivated in the US.
From the 20th century, band culture became a very vital part of the music of the United States. American bands are now rocking the entire world.
Music and Education
Music is a very crucial part of education in US. In most of the territories of the US, Music is a compulsory subject in school education. Hence, all the people there have respect for music and they believe that music is something that can provide a bright future and a strong mindset.