Published By: Ahvana Paul

Moving Back Home? Tips for a Smooth Transition

Are you about to move back home and is this turning out to be a complicated process for you? Well, don’t stress- what you are experiencing is only natural! Moving back home involves a mixed bag of emotions, and can be both good as well as difficult. However, it comes up in everybody’s life. It involves a change- from being independent and alone, you suddenly go back to a world you left behind, which has also changed. While it sounds intimidating, it can also be heartwarming! Here are some tips to help you with it, and smoothen the transition-

Pack Up systematically

It can be a lot to suddenly pack up and move back home. The best thing is probably to do it gradually! Keep a suitcase open and pack things one at a time. That way, you will not be frantic at the last minute, which can add to your feelings about making a big transition. Therefore, it is best to plan it out! This will reduce your tensions, and things will keep happening.

Make a To-Do list for all the pending work!

Do this diligently! If you have rented furniture, send it back, if there is any kind of paperwork involved, do that. Whatever it is, before you leave, systematically engage in this work,  so that things go smoothly. The best way to pack up a house before you leave is to start two weeks before, and try and do a bit of it every day!

Be Patient with your household members At First

Sometimes, not living with people for a while and then suddenly being made to live with them again can lead to a clash. However, make it a point to be patient, take it gradually, give them space as well and take your own space. Readjustment after all is a process and takes time. So be sensible and calm, and patient about it- and things will slowly fall into place. It is a good idea to make it a point to remember all the good things about your household members, and why you missed them when you were away!

Cherish the comfort

While living alone has its amount of independence and fun, home ( or at least the idea of it) can be extremely comforting to think about. Make it a point to think about those happy memories and the comfort you associate with your home. This will facilitate the transition greatly, and make things easier. It is after all nice to have people living with you, and there are a lot of advantages and benefits to it. Think of all the times, when things got hard, and dull and lonely while you were alone, and you will feel happier!

Look forward to the things you do miss about home.

There are certain things that you definitely would associate with home, such as your beloved bed, table or even just a person! If you are in the phase, when you are about to shift, and are feeling very jittery and nervous about it, just think about the things that make you happy about your home and the things you love about it. This will help you keep your optimism about moving back home!

Don’t Worry! You’ve got this! All the best!