Published By: Elisa Ghosh

Monsoon diet: healthy foods to consume this season

A flood of relief from the oppressive summer heat sweeps across us as the monsoon clouds build over the Indian subcontinent.

After four exhausting months of sweltering summer heat, the monsoon season is a refreshing relief. Though it provides relief from the heat, the monsoon also carries certain health dangers. This is because certain diseases spread more easily during this season due to fluctuations in temperature and humidity brought on by the weather. As a result, allergies, gastrointestinal issues, and infections are seen to be more prevalent. But, with a few safety measures and a nutritious diet, there’s always a way to make the most of this season.


If you are hungry, consider having a bowl of steaming hot soup instead of chowing down on unhealthy roadside chaats. Soups are nutrient-dense, satisfying meals that are simple to digest and will satisfy your stomach. You may stay hydrated all day long with a bowl of veggie corn soup topped with ginger and black pepper.


Sprouts are beneficial to your health throughout the year, but especially during the monsoon. Rich in protein, sprouts are not only a nutritious breakfast or snack option, but they also strengthen your immune system, assisting your body in fighting off infections.

Plum, Jamun

You should include fruits plums and jamun in your diet regularly. The juice of jamun contains bioactive phytochemicals that lower the incidence of liver disorders. Jamun has a sweet, slightly acidic flavour. Conversely, sweet and tart plums are a great source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Turmeric milk

Turmeric is a common culinary ingredient and miraculous herb that is good for you in any shape and at any time of year. Turmeric, which has a lot of anti-inflammatory qualities, strengthens your immune system and prevents infections. Staying healthy during the monsoon requires drinking a glass of warm turmeric milk every night before going to bed.

Herbal tea with a few drops of honey

During the monsoon season, herbal teas like tulsi tea and ginger tea are your greatest companions. Having herbal tea will increase your immunity and keep you warm and safe from the flu and cold. Replace the sugar with a few drops of honey, which has antibacterial qualities.


During the monsoon, you should consume more fermented foods and probiotics. Pickled vegetables, buttermilk, and yoghurt can all help to maintain a healthy and happy stomach. Good bacteria called probiotics reside in our digestive tracts and guts. They aid in preventing pathogenic microorganisms and harmful bacteria from proliferating within our bodies.

Dry fruits

Any time of year is an excellent time to snack on cashews, almonds, walnuts and dates. These nuts are a terrific addition to your monsoon diet because they are high in vitamins and minerals. These foods, which are high in niacin and riboflavin, support a stronger immune system. They maintain the health of your cells and are potent antioxidants. This monsoon, refuse junk food and stuff yourself on wholesome nuts, seeds and dry fruits instead.


Lemon boosts immunity and is a wonderful source of Vitamin C. We are more likely to get sick during the monsoon season. Infection prevention, improved digestion and bone health are all aided by vitamin C. Lemon zest or pulp is a fantastic addition to your monsoon diet, as it is packed with beneficial chemicals and flavonoids. Adding lemon juice to your meals or salads is a great method to boost your immune system and nutrition.

So, if you want to enjoy the rain while remaining healthy and fit, add these foods to your diet.