Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Lifestyle Habits You Didn’t Know That Can Make You Age Much Faster

The ageing process is unavoidable, yet no one can avoid the "sunken skin, no teeth" stage of life. Even Joey Tribbiani from Friends qualifies.

However, there is no law that says you can't postpone it and try to maintain your youthful appearance for as long as you can. We can all see the consequences of Anil Kapoor following this motto.

You don't have to change your way of life unless you don't mind appearing ten years older or have YOLO as your life motto. For those who are worried about ageing and longevity, there are several lifestyle behaviours they must give up in order to achieve so.

Poor Lifestyle Choices That Hasten Ageing

We all do these things on a daily basis, whether we realise it or not how they effect our skin, bodies, and health as a whole. In this article, we'll discuss five lifestyle choices that may be speeding up your ageing process:

Screen time has increased.

Premature ageing can be triggered by blue light exposure. With everyone working from home and virtually attending all meetings and events, it's impossible to avoid spending time in front of a screen. To cut down on your social media usage, spend time with your family and read a book instead of watching Netflix.

Not getting enough shut-eye

A sleep regimen that is out of whack may also rob you of years and bulk up your face. Your ageing process will be accelerated if you stay up late every night and don't get enough sleep, which can also lead to cardiovascular disease.

Smoke Inhalation

Smoke inhalation from pollutants burning or any other source can make you appear older than you are. It can cause outward indications of ageing, as well as a host of other health issues. It inhibits the skin's capacity to produce new cells, causing you to seem older much more quickly.

Unhealthy eating habits

Sedentary living and an unhealthy diet are the perfect combination to lose your young skin and gain weight. Limit your intake of foods and beverages that might aggravate skin problems such as acne, excess oil production, and dullness. Eat more fruits, drink more water, and consume nutritious snacks like nuts and seeds.

Neglecting your skin's health

Even if you follow all the rules, your skin might still suffer from premature ageing as a result of your carelessness. To keep your skin healthy, you don't need need a multi-step skincare routine, but you do need to clean your face, moisturise it, and use an SPF.