Intriguing Facts about Bengal Cats
Bengal cats are famous for their leopard like coat and outgoing nature. They are smart animals who are extremely inquisitive and are always attention-seeking. Here are some interesting facts that you may not be aware of about this popular cat breed.
Bengal Cats have a wild bloodline
Way back in 1963, Jean Sugden Mill was able to effectively cross-bred a female Asian Leopard Cat with a domestic short-haired male subsequently producing the first recognized Bengal Cat. Bengal cats share their wild bloodline with Asian Leopard Cat.
Bengal Cats adore water
They love water so much that they can spend hours in the bathtub with a few inches of water or even the bathroom sink with the tap running smoothly. Unlike many animals, Bengal cats love water and may even join you while you are taking a shower or are in a bathtub.
They are outstanding jumpers
Bengals are excellent climbers and are known for their flying abilities. They are known to jump 3 times their height which gives them the ability to access all the high spots in your house including tall furniture or door tops.
Bengals are extremely vocal
One thing that stands out with Bengal Cats is they don’t meow like ordinary cats. Bengals are extremely vocal and will ensure that you can’t ignore them when they want to be heard. When it comes to food and entertainment, they will ensure that you don’t ignore them!
Bengals need to be entertained
They are not typical lazy house cats. Since they are smart, they require lots of attention and things to be entertained. They might not be satisfied by a stuffed mouse but may enjoy stuff like puzzle toys to satiate their inquisitiveness. If your house is boring, they may even annihilate your electronic equipment to keep them entertained.
They can learn tricks easily
Bengal cats are one of the easiest cats to train given their level of intelligence and constant need for attention. Playing fetching or turning the light on and off are some of the most enjoyable things that Bengal cats like to indulge in. They may play with the switches all night long in case they get a hang of it.
Bengal Cats are also notorious thieves
In case you missing a necklace or a key and also happen to have a Bengal Cat, don’t fall for the innocent look. Bengals are little thieves that tend to steal the glittering stuff and hide it in the house.
You can pet one for anywhere between $500 to $5,000 making them quite expensive!