Interesting Facts about the Oceans you have no Idea About

You will be surprised to know that only 6% of the oceans are explored. It’s a place ofuncountable species, a significant portion of which we found in last few years and there is much more to be explored. Full of mysteries, here are few interesting facts about oceans you have no idea about. 

Oceans cover 75 % of the Earth’s surface.

Around 75 percent of Earth’s surface is covered by ocean, and it has more life forms and species than the land.

The oceans cover around 75 percent of the earth’s surface and are the home to around 80 percent of all life forms on earth. Over a third of the earth's population is dependent on marine biodiversity for marine industries that makes for five percent of the world's over-all GDP.

Oceans are full of treasures

You will be amazed to know that there are more treasures and historical objects underneath the oceans than all things in every museum on earth. 

It’s estimated that more than $70 billion of sunken treasure is in the oceans and the amount of historic artifacts beneath the oceansthan  all of the world's museums combined. From time immemorial people are trying to get these treasures but very less was success. If we are able to take out all the treasures from the oceans, world’s poverty can be finished in a single day.

Earth’s longest mountain chain is located underwater

The Mid-Ocean Ridge is earth’s lengthiest sequence of mountains, iscompletelylocated beneath the ocean, elongatingthrough a distance of 65,000 kilometers. 

The longest mountain range in the earth is located under water. Covering more than 56,000 kilometers, the Mid-Oceanic Ridge is a mountain chain that passes through the mid of the basins of oceans.It’s believed that this mountain chain is explored less than the surface of Mars and Venus.

Earth's oceans are unique in the Universe

Earth is the only known planet or moon to have large bodies of liquid water on its surface.

Till now except from earth, such large amount of water is not found in the known universe. It’s proved that some liquid elements exist in moon and mars but they are not water of the oceans that earth has. So, it can be assumed that earth is the only place with so much big quantity of water is available.

Nearly Seventy Percent of all the oxygen is produced in the ocean

Most of the people think that oxygen come from trees but the fact is that about 70% of the oxygen we breathe originates from the oceans.

It’s assumed that 70to 75 percent of the oxygen we breathe is produced by marine plants, mostly marine algae.Certainamount of oxygen from oceans is produced by sea grasses and weeds, but the massivepart of the oxygen is produced by phytoplankton, which is a microscopic single celled organism that has the capability to photosynthesis.

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  • Facts
  • 20 October, 2023
  • 2 min read