Interesting facts about the monkey man of Delhi
It was May 2001 and people in Delhi were panicking about an unknown phenomenon, it was a time when people's nights were in fear and sleeplessness because of the fear of someone unknown. The event became so huge that international media covered it and even the Delhi police had to intervene.
The people said that they were attacked by giant money and soon word spread like a fire and terrorised entire Delhi, but what exactly is the story of Monkeyman? There were a series of attacks in Delhi during 2001, these attacks happened only at night and eyewitnesses reported a monkey-like creature to be responsible behind the attacks, soon this word spread like fire and people named him Monkeyman.
The description regarding monkey man was inconsistent some eyewitnesses reported him having fur of a monkey and possessed bright red eyes. Eyewitnesses of monkey-man said that he could easily climb tall buildings and jump over it. They said that the monkey man was seen between 12 am to 4 am, and only attacked those who were on the terraces. Due to the fear, some people stopped sleeping at the terraces. There were numerous incidents where people reported being injured by the monkey man where the monkey man suddenly came and attacked them before jumping to the next building and in some other version of this urban legend, it says that two or three people jumped from the roof to escape the horror of monkey man.
After all of this hysteria and mass confusion, the police investigated and under the investigation of the police, it was declared nothing but mass hysteria. As time progressed, the people stopped reporting about the incidents of monkey man and everything seemed to go back to normal. The incident was so popular for it's that that it was part of the plot in film Delhi-6. Now you may wonder that's okay, it was 2001 people weren't that aware also there was a lack of Internet among the masses, but this scenario of a monkey man doesn't end here. It happened again after a gap of more than 10 years.
Return of monkeyman
In 2002 some people of Kanpur reported similar sightings matching that of the monkey man, shockingly after 11 years in 2012 monkey man's rumours resurfaced in Kandivali, Mumbai, thou these sightings couldn't gain traction and response of the Delhi's incident. Also, do you know the incident of Delhi is not the first time when people talked about the monkey - man? It has happened before too but it was later declared as rumors.