Published By: Satavisha

Incorporate Sensory Marketing To Boost Your Brand: Everything You Need To Know

It's time to hone your marketing strategy and streamline your branding approach to boost sales.

 Sensory branding is a marketing approach that attracts consumers to awaken the five senses. Of all the five senses, each one can be utilised to lure consumers on an emotional level. By embracing sensory marketing, you can maximise your sales and profit. Employing multiple sensory experiences can enable business owners to establish a stronger connection with consumers—apart from relying only on basic audible and visual marketing campaigns. To learn more about how sensory marketing works, keep reading.


Brands most commonly stimulate sight—more than the other four senses—to promote their services. Consumers can instantly identify popular colour schemes and logos. In addition, colour can influence perception and for this reason, it plays a crucial role in branding. Consumers typically have an identical way of perceiving colours. For instance, brands that use pink are viewed as imaginative, youthful, creative, and passionate. Blue is often associated with trust, security, and loyalty. On the other hand, yellow and red trigger hunger—no wonder many fast-food brands use these colours in their logos. When creating a logo or visual campaign, pick your colours after determining the pros and cons—to boost sales.


When consumers can feel or touch your products, they will likely remember them for a long time. For the same reason, mattress and garment brands emphasise the quality of the fabric or texture—because it should feel good physically. Many brands promote their products by allowing customers to feel the product. This strategy enables buyers to check the quality of the product before buying. Sensory branding that revolves around touch—permits consumers to develop a more personal bond.


For decades, brands have been using sound in advertisements, jingles, and phrases, to attract buyers. The use of distinctive tones has been in use since the beginning of audio advertising. Music is an influential tool that can regulate people’s feelings. Brands can use sounds to trigger a plethora of emotions in customers by seamlessly varying the pitch, pace, and volume. Through sound and multi-sensory advertisements, you can expand your customer base. Having a good understanding of your audience and their preferences is essential for choosing the best jingles, music or phrases in sensory marketing.


Most businesses that use sensory marketing strategies, understand the power of fragrance as a branding tool. How a product smells can remarkably influence how we recall and respond to a brand. Many brands in the past have navigated the power of sensory marketing and developed unique aromas to induce a distinctive olfactory experience for their customers.

Many fast food chains usually place their ovens close to the front door to lure passers-by with the aroma of their foods. If you want customers to recognise your product through aroma, you must craft a unique scent to associate with your brand.


Our tongue can identify five basic tastes: sweet, salty, sweet, sour, savoury and bitter. There are many ways of incorporating taste into your brand’s sensory marketing strategy. The most commonly used strategy involves promoting sampling by making the process enjoyable and exciting for customers. For instance, if you own a baker, you can organise a pop-up event and invite customers to try free samples. By distributing free samples, you can strategically encourage people to become brand promoters and boost your sales.

Incorporate the power of sensory marketing to stimulate your customers’ senses and create a long-lasting mental association with your brand.