![Humility is the key to our success](https://imgmain.buzztribe.news/photos/shares/2022/03/Humility-is-the-key-to-our-success.webp)
Humility is the key to our success
It is said that our ego is our worst enemy. It is often proved to be true in our everyday life.
Everybody loves to be appreciated for a job well done. However, if one success gets the better of us, we start thinking that only we can do the job correctly and others, who have helped us perform, have nothing to do with our success. Such thoughts, the most derogatory, are the roots of our fall.
When you are in a position of authority, you must praise your employees for a job well done. However, if you overdo it, i.e. praise him or her everyday and make it a habit, it will overwhelm them so much, they will think themselves over and above their colleagues and start to undermine them.
Just like that, if you get too much praise, it will booster your ego, your self-image and you will start ignoring others in your team without whose help you could not achieve your success.
In the world of football, people make someone a superstar, who scores maximum goals and treat them like God. The player himself also thinks like that. He never remembers the contribution of other players in his team who helped him score the goal; the midfielders, the defenders and the player who passed him the ball so that he can score. His ego thus damages the team spirit and overall performance of the team.
But how to have a check on our ego?
One way of that is to work with someone who has more talent in that particular field. Thus both of us can be helpful to each other. We must always remember that learning has no limit; throughout our lives we learn something or other. We can also mentor someone who has less skill and experience than us.
Our ego often leads us not to trust others with a task. We feel that we can manage everything and micromanage any system. This leads to a disastrous result. We must remember that in the case of teamwork, trusting each other is the key to success. When we delegate someone with what used to be my tusk, we can find more time for doing some research or creative work utilizing that time. That will enhance the overall performance of our team. Only, we need to do away with our ego and take humility as our companion.