Published By: Rinks

How to use anti-inflammatory herbs for pain relief and recovery

Learn how to use anti-inflammatories for natural pain relief and recovery from muscle soreness, joint pain, and inflammation.

Inflammation is a natural response your body uses to fight infection and heal injuries. However, chronic inflammation can lead to long-term pain and health issues. While over-the-counter medications like NSAIDs are commonly used to reduce inflammation and pain, they can come with side effects when used long-term. This is where anti-inflammatory herbs can be a powerful, natural alternative. Many herbs have potent anti-inflammatory properties that not only reduce pain but also aid in the body’s recovery process. Here we'll explore several anti-inflammatory herbs and how you can incorporate them into your routine for effective pain relief and recovery. Read on!


Turmeric is one of the most well-known herbs for its anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has been extensively studied for its ability to reduce inflammation and pain, especially in conditions like arthritis and muscle injuries.

How to use turmeric for pain relief

Mix turmeric powder with warm milk (or a plant-based alternative) and a dash of black pepper to enhance absorption. Drink this soothing beverage before bed to help with inflammation overnight. If the taste isn’t for you, curcumin capsules can provide the same benefits in a more convenient form. Incorporate turmeric into soups, stews, and curries to enjoy its benefits regularly.


Ginger is another powerful anti-inflammatory herb known for its ability to ease pain and reduce inflammation. It works particularly well for muscle soreness and is effective for people dealing with conditions like osteoarthritis. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory compounds, gingerols, can inhibit inflammatory processes in the body.

How to use ginger for pain relief

Steep fresh ginger slices in hot water for a spicy, warming tea. Drink this a couple of times a day for inflammation relief. For localised pain, you can apply a warm ginger compress directly to the affected area. Boil ginger slices in water, soak a cloth in the liquid, and apply it to sore muscles or joints. Add fresh ginger to your morning smoothie or juice for a quick and refreshing way to reduce inflammation.


Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense, has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce inflammation and pain, particularly in cases of arthritis. Its active compounds, Boswellia acids, help inhibit inflammatory enzymes, making it highly effective in reducing swelling and improving mobility in joints.

How to use Boswellia for pain relief

The most effective way to take Boswellia is through standardised extracts available in capsule form. Look for products with high levels of Boswellia acid for maximum impact. Some topical creams contain Boswellia extract, which can be applied directly to sore joints and muscles for localised pain relief.


While commonly known as a culinary herb, rosemary has significant anti-inflammatory benefits, particularly for sore muscles and tension headaches. Its natural oils contain Rosmarinus acid, which helps reduce inflammation and improve circulation.

How to use rosemary for pain relief

Dilute rosemary essential oil with a carrier oil (like coconut or olive oil) and massage it into sore muscles for relief. This also works well for tension headaches when applied to the temples. Drinking rosemary tea can help reduce internal inflammation, particularly in the digestive system.

Anti-inflammatory herbs offer a natural and effective way to manage pain and support recovery. Whether you’re dealing with muscle soreness, joint pain, or chronic inflammatory conditions, herbs like these can be valuable tools in your wellness routine. By incorporating these herbs through teas, supplements, or topical applications, you can reduce inflammation without the side effects of synthetic medications.