Herbs you can use in cooking

Fresh or dried- herbs have been used in the culinary world as well as for their healing properties for thousands of years. They are easily available in supermarkets, grocery stores, and in the kitchen gardens of our homes. Here we are just focusing on their culinary uses. Read on this list of herbs that make several dishes delectable with just a small quantity. 

Mint- Mojito mocktail anyone?

A perennial plant, mint is extremely versatile and can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. It has a distinct cooling sensation from menthol that can give any dish or a dring the freshness it needs. Think of mojito, lemonade, several Indian, Mediterranean, Thai dishes, and even tea. 

Basil- Italian all the way

This glossy green herb is used mostly in Italian cuisine to make the famous pesto, added to the delicious pizzas, and several other dishes. You can use it in sauces, soups, sandwiches, salads. When combined with tomato or cheese, its taste elevates from the original one. So experiment with it until you get your taste bud excited. 

Cilantro- love it or hate it

Commonly used in Indian, South Asian, Mexican, and Middle-eastern households, cilantro is tart, zesty, and a little pungent to taste. It is usually added on top of the dish to give it a fresh kick. It also elevates salsas, French and Italian stocks, pasta, and a lot more dishes that you can think of. Its clean and light flavor balances the heavy creamy dishes too. 

Oregano- pizza’s best companion

Oregano means “joy of the mountain” in Greek. As you must know, this aromatic herb is used in dried form on pizzas and in pasta. But its sweet yet peppery flavor profile adds a kick to a poultry dish, soup, salads, vinaigrettes, and many more. There is also a stronger version for the Greek oregano, which is used in Mexico. This one can be used in spicy recipes like chili. 

Thyme- very sociable herb

The pale green-leaved sturdy herb is a major ingredient in French and European cuisine. If you want to make soups, stews, hearty meat dishes- thyme is a crucial herb that always goes in along with other herbs. Nowadays it is also being experimented with in cocktails and desserts. Its usage in Middle Eastern Za’atar powder cannot be understated. Its earthy flavor is an important component of this cuisine. Thyme comes in three types- French, German, and English thyme and the most commonly used is the French one.  

There you have it- a few herbs that are used fresh and some better used dried. So get cooking and get experimental!

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