Herbs That Could Aid Weight Loss
These herbs contain healing properties that could help you lose weight.
- Darielle Britto
- 12 October, 2024
- 2 mins ago

Herbs That Could Aid Weight Loss
These herbs contain healing properties that could help you lose weight.
Losing weight can be challenging for some. It takes a lot of work and time. However, there are many ways you can lose weight apart from vigorous exercise. One way is by making use of herbs. They are loaded with benefits that could boost your metabolism and aid digestion so it can help you lose fat. Here are some herbs that could aid in weight loss.
Guggul, also known as guggal, is the gum resin derived from a tree native to India known as Commiphoramukula. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years. The guggul extract contains powerful properties that can help lower cholesterol and give your metabolism a boost, which could help your body to burn more calories. You can consume it thrice a day to get the most out of it. Mix about half a teaspoon of guggul extract with half a cup of water. Add a teaspoon of triphala powder to the mix. Consume it first thing in the morning if you can.
Ginseng is a plant that is commonly found in locations like China, Bhutan and North America. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Ginseng, according to some research, may help reduce stress, lower cholesterol and help you manage blood sugar levels. This may ultimately help you healthily lose weight. To get the most out of it, add about 15 drops of ginseng extract to your tea. Consume this hot beverage at least twice a day.
Hibiscus tea
Hibiscus tea may help you lose weight as it helps to flush out excess water from the body. It may even prevent bloating. This is because it contains properties that can help to break down carbs. Hibiscus tea could also help you feel less hungry and reduce the number of calories you consume on a regular basis. A simple way to consume it is in tea form by boiling a few teaspoons of dried hibiscus flowers with a teaspoon of honey.
Yerba mate
Yerba mate is a popular and traditional beverage in South America. Yerba mate contains properties that can lower blood sugar levels and could aid weight loss. Consume this tea regularly in order for it to work effectively so you can lose excess weight.