Published By: Puja Sinha

Grocery Saving Hacks if You Are Living Alone

Trying to stay within the grocery budget has been increasingly becoming a challenge, a challenge many millennials and Gen Zs are reeling under.

Going broke over groceries and impulse buying are not two separate entities. When survival and living become so extravagant, it becomes necessary to save at the grassroots. Unplanned and binge-shopping quests often eat into monthly savings. A hazard plaguing the lives of many, let’s consider the factors responsible for staggeringly high grocery bills.  

Health Consciousness

Millennials and Gen Z are more health-conscious than previous generations. They often prefer organic, non-GMO, and locally sourced products, which are more expensive.

Convenience Foods

The demand for convenience foods such as pre-packaged meals, snacks, and ready-to-eat items is high among these generations. These products often come at a premium price.

Specialty Diets

Specialty diets such as vegan, keto, gluten-free, and paleo dig a giant hole in pockets.

Sustainability and Ethical Choices

There is a strong preference for products that are sustainably sourced, ethically produced, and environmentally friendly. Such products usually come with a higher price tag.

Increased Consumption of Fresh Produce

There is a trend toward consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables. In convenience stores, these are typically more expensive than processed foods.

Urban Living

A significant number of Millennials and Gen Z individuals live in urban areas where grocery prices tend to be higher due to increased cost of living.

Inflation and Economic Factors

Rising food prices due to inflation and other economic factors explain higher grocery spending.

Social Media Trends

Social media shape food preferences and purchasing decisions. Trending food items or ingredients often surge in demand and price, and many buyers simply fall prey to lucrative grocery deals that encourage a frenzied buying spree.

There are multiple, easy hacks to cut down on the amount being spent on groceries, and this has got nothing to do with starving or letting go of healthy ingredients, of course.

Splitting Bulks with Friends

If bulk buying saves, splitting with friends is a win-win for everyone. Buying in sparse is a luxury that most of us cannot afford. Splitting ensures nobody is running out of products or compromising on quality living owing to finances. A planned approach towards buying groceries thus saves the day!

Not Buying When Hungry!

Shopping when hungry results in excessive buying as it triggers the “hunting and gathering mode.” This leads to a fanatic buying of ingredients with low utility value. Hunger also impairs the rationale to decide the right things to cart. It is always wiser to shop when satiated and mentally calm to eliminate any chances of impulse shopping.

Ditching High-End Brands

Trusting store brands for food items would barely affect nutrition levels or quality of consumption. Hunting for brands and deals inevitably spikes up the monthly spend. Going for local produce is one key way to eliminate all the fancy items that add very little value to diet.

Using Shopping Lists and Apps to Track

Guesstimating expenditures is now easier with apps if you do not want manual calculations. A tally of your forthcoming grocery expenses would alert you each time you overstep the budget. Another super cool feature of guesstimating is taking stock of inventory. Often, even after spending a whopping lump sum, we forget to buy the bare kitchen essentials.

Calculating the Need for Perishables

There are a whole lot of veggies that do not make it till the end of the week and wilt and rot in a swampy corner of the refrigeration. The knack for loading too many perishables in the hopes of healthy eating is one reason behind soaring grocery expenses. Knowing the shelf life of the items would make your purchases more sustainable and streamlined.