Published By: Sougata Dutta

Gourmet- Traditional And Unique Food Culture

Good food, awesome life, healthy mind! A perfect dish. What would it entail? A dash of salt to the subtle textures of a freshly prepared and lightly garnished gourmet dish? A classic wellington made with salmon or beef basted with butter and garlic to aid the pallets with just the right kind of heat, moisture and flavours. Would that entail being gourmet?

Who knows?

Gourmet is up to us quite frankly - and of course the chefs at Masterchef. Gourmet cuisine essentially consists of finely crafted food to live up to the exactness of taste, flavour, umami and odour. But the most attractive and defining difference or distinction which sets apart the standard for gourmet cuisine is the way it’s presented.

A beautiful colour contrast on the plating which each item complementing each other in the most beautiful composition of flavour and texture. That is perhaps today’s way of taking in a gourmet dish. But to that what are the things which can be experimented with and what are the various lengths to which one can take the gourmet cuisine to is a thought to behold. The simplest culinary mannerisms can be made to adapt to the gourmet cuisine.

Some Gourmet food which can be quite an example

There are a lot of dishes, created to be in the league of Gourmet. Marination plays a great role in this region of food cuisine. If you take some meat you must marinate it for a minimum of 6 hours or more. The marination ingredients can be anything according to the meat quality and quantity like onions, garlic, vinegar etc. The meat has to go through some process in order to become more tender and soft so that the juice present inside can come out. Later on it is seen that the juice is presented as a sauce or soup or used in some other dish. Making ingredients fall apart with intent is also a goal in this culture along with the decoration. An example is 'Wellington'

Structure of Gourmet

Gourmet is divided into three parts. Appetiser is the first individual who will draw your attention from your phone. Next comes the Main Course, it will increase your respect towards every single ingredient. And at last but not the least Dessert, this will make sure you return in search of Gourmet. Here meat is the key ingredient. You can try some of them like ‘Bolognese’, ‘Meringue’ etc.

Every single cuisine is different in its own way. Gourmet is the most delicate one, made with passion and care and handled with delicate hands. Try some Gourmet food and charge up your taste buds.