Published By: Jayati

Fermented frenzy: Add these drinks to your must-try list ASAP

Fermented drinks are like secret agents for your immune system, boosting those antibodies and keeping your defences sharp. Plus, they give you a friendly nudge to skip the sugary snacks and processed junk!

Fermented foods and drinks have been around for ages, and they’re more than just a tasty tradition! From sauerkraut to kimchi and yoghurt to kefir, there’s a whole world of fermented goodies to explore. But what exactly are these fermented foods, and why should we care about them? Fermentation is all about breaking down sugars and carbs with the help of bacteria or yeast, creating acids and other compounds that not only preserve but also boost flavour, texture, and nutrition. Now that we’ve got the basics, let’s dive into some must-try fermented drinks that you need to add to your list pronto!


Let’s kick things off with a classic: buttermilk! This fermented milk drink is made by adding bacteria to milk, giving it a tangy, slightly sour flavor. It’s low in fat, high in calcium, and packed with probiotics—great for keeping your gut happy and healthy.


Kombucha is the trendy fermented tea that's been making waves lately. This slightly sour, fizzy drink is loaded with probiotics and antioxidants. People love it for its potential health perks, like better digestion, less inflammation, and a boost to the immune system.


Jun is a fizzy, slightly sweet fermented tea, kind of like kombucha but with honey instead of sugar. It’s packed with probiotics and antioxidants, making it great for digestion and boosting your immune system.


Kefir is a tangy, creamy fermented milk drink made using kefir grains—a mix of bacteria and yeast. It’s packed with probiotics, protein, and calcium, making it excellent for digestion, boosting your immune system, and reducing inflammation.


This creamy, tangy yoghurt drink is a big hit in India and is loved by many around the world. Not only is it super refreshing, but it’s also packed with probiotics and protein. It’s great for your digestion, boosts your immunity, and helps with inflammation. Who’s ready for a glass of lassi?


Ever tried Amazake? This sweet and creamy rice drink from Japan is not just delicious but also packed with probiotics and antioxidants. It's fantastic for digestion and can help reduce inflammation. If you haven’t had it yet, it might be time to give it a try!


It’s a pretty interesting drink made from rye bread. Kvass has this unique sweet and sour flavour that might surprise you. Plus, it's packed with probiotics and antioxidants.


Boza is quite the ancient drink! Dating back to 8000–9000 B.C.E., it’s made from millet and has a unique taste thanks to the natural yeast and lactic acid bacteria used in its fermentation. It’s still enjoyed in Turkey, Bulgaria, Albania, and Romania.


And finally, Kanji! This fermented drink, made with carrots, mustard seeds, and water, brings a tangy and slightly spicy flavour. Packed with probiotics and antioxidants, it’s fantastic for digestion and boosting immunity. Have you ever tasted kanji or made it yourself? 

Humans have been harnessing fermentation for ages to keep food fresh, boost its nutritional value, and support health. With today’s focus on disinfectants, we’ve lost some of those beneficial microbes. Luckily, we can reconnect with them through delicious fermented drinks like Kombucha, Boza, Kefir, Lassi, and Kanji. Let’s celebrate and enjoy the tasty benefits of fermentation while reconnecting with nature!