Feel Like Living a Monk Life? Here’s How to Do It
Has the thought ever crossed your mind, of leaving behind all worldly possessions, and transforming into a monk?
Well, it’s very common for us to randomly say that ‘I am not liking any of the things here, I will go to the Himalayas and lead a hermit’s life’. But have you ever wondered about the people who actually do so, and turn into a monk. This is not uncommon today, and many of us might have a sub-conscious wish about that. So, if you are thinking what are the steps you need to follow to become a monk, you are just at the right place. We have curated for you some tips that you must know if you feel like living a monk’s life.
Start meditation
One of the crucial steps before becoming a monk is to establish a practice of meditation. With dedicated and deep meditation practice, you will be able to induce within yourself the values and orders of the monk life. Meditation can help you to demonstrate your practices as necessary, and show that you belong to the world of monkhood.
Devote to religion
Being a monk is like being devoted to whatever religion you believe in. It means you need to live a life that helps you connect to your spiritual, physical, and philosophical devotion and your faith. In order to begin your monkhood journey, you have to make a strong commitment to your spiritual path. This will require you to engage in prayer many times a day, studying your religion and spirituality daily. The more you strive to embody the values and faith you have in each aspect of your present life, the more quickly you will be able to transform into a monk.
Lead a life of celibacy
Every monastic community, regardless of the religion they follow, usually practice celibacy. That is to say, you need to refrain from having any romantic intentions with anyone and voluntarily remain unmarried. As you decide to start walking on the path of monkhood, you have to take a personal vow of celibacy. Once you do this, it will gauge if your decision of becoming a monk is actually a practical goal that you can pursue or not. And if you can successfully practice celibacy, you can show the depth of devotion that you have for the life of monkhood.
Let go of your material possessions
Monkhood calls for leaving behind all that you possess in your present world. The material possessions you have should be refrained from, as all monks relinquish their material possessions. In some cases, they even donate all belongings that they own. To become a monk, you need to be prepared to let go of all that you own, and this way, you can walk closer to monkhood.
It’s time for you to decide if you still can move on to lead a monk life ahead.