Published By: Puja Sinha

Effortless Cleaning Hacks to Save you From Ritualistic Deep Cleaning

What save you from intense deep cleaning on the weekends are everyday cleaning hacks that are easy and convenient.

Living in a clean and organised space is a luxury that many busy bees can barely make time for. Deep cleaning rituals are like that one friend who insists on making every game night a full-on strategy session—totally necessary but exhausting. It is tedious and time-consuming to be down on your hands and knees and go scrubbing after a long, tiring week instead of engaging in something creative or relaxing.  This is exactly why cleaning hacks are the real MVPs in your busy lives. With work, errands, and the occasional binge-watching, only quick cleaning strategies could streamline the chaos. They can turn overwhelming chores into manageable tasks for you to get back to the fun stuff without any guilt conscience weighing you down.

While at it, here is a list of must-do everyday tasks for a liveable space:

  • Make your bed every morning.
  • Sweep or vacuum high-traffic areas daily.
  • Do a load of laundry every day to avoid pile-ups.
  • Empty trash cans regularly.

Daily Bedroom Cleaning Ritual

Rooms look dirtier and clumsier with all the loose clothing littered around. Whenever you feel the space is looking messier than usual, try to fold away the clothes and categorise: they would either go for laundry or to the closet. Clothes hang literally from all physical surfaces if you do not pay enough attention. Once you perform this simple task of putting way the clothes and shutting all the drawers and closet doors, the room would look infinitely neat.

A 10-Minute Tidy Routine

Ten minutes is a good deal for beginners, and especially if you abhor cleansing or are too busy to make space for it on weekdays. Before bed, set a timer for 10 minutes and do a quick sweep through the main living areas. Pick up stray items, fluff the pillows, organise things in their right places, and do a quick surface wipe-down—waking up to a tidy space is a game-changer.

Basket for Clutter

Keep a stylish basket in each main room to toss in stray items throughout the day—these would either go to the dustbin or into their wardrobes but that could be managed later. When you have a few minutes later at the end of the day or even on weekends, go through the basket and put things back where they belong. This is way better than stuff ending up all over the place.

Shower Cleansing

Keep a spray bottle of a half-vinegar, half-water solution in the bathroom. After your shower, quickly spray down the walls and tub to prevent soap scum and mildew from building up. If you have shiny and white surfaces to take care of, you may use a damp towel after your shower to wipe off immediately. This prevents dirt or dampness from piling up and becoming unmanageable.

Multi-task While You Wait

While waiting for your coffee to brew or the microwave to finish, use those few minutes to wipe down the stovetop, clear the sink, or dust a nearby surface. As you do this, refrain from placing things in the wrong place by rushing. Instead, be mindful to avoid losing or misplacing things, which could flare up into a full-blown disaster when you are in a hurry.

Follow the 2-Minute Rule

If a task takes less than two minutes—like wiping down the kitchen counters, cleaning the vegetable litter, de-cluttering the workspace at the end of your shift, or putting away your shoes—do it immediately. These small actions prevent the mess from piling up and haunting you in sleep.