Don't believe in these myths about carbon emissions and climate change

Climate change, one of the most frightening words, is getting much-needed attention nowadays.

Climate change is a broad term. Mostly, it is measured in terms of temperature change over the years. When fossil fuel is burnt greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are emitted. Due to this, the heat coming from the sun gets trapped inside the earth leading to an elevation of temperature. Globally, the temperature is increasing at a rate of 0.14 degrees Celsius. Believe it or not, this rate is highly alarming. However, there are various misconceptions regarding the contribution of carbon dioxide to climate change. Let's debunk those myths.

Myth: Carbon dioxide is used by plants for growth, so it cannot be responsible for climate change.

Fact: Undeniably, plants need carbon dioxide, but upto a certain limit only. However, rapid deforestation caused this limit to decrease. Without Carbon dioxide, no living body can survive, but, increasing concentration is causing the problem. CO2, being the largest contributor to global warming, needs to be controlled immediately, otherwise, mankind won't be able to survive.

Myth: It's already too late, so whatever you do, you cannot save the world.

Fact: Yes, it is late. But, there is some time left to heal the condition. Countries across the world are trying hard to nullify carbon emissions by 2050. According to scientific reports, this can be an effective way to decelerate climate change. The best way to achieve this is to work together to save planet earth. Thus, tree plantation, and reducing old vehicle use must be promoted globally. Both awareness and implementation are important.

Myth: Advanced technologies to eliminate carbon dioxide will solve climate change.

Fact: Unfortunately, this is not so simple. Of course, we are not disrespecting the efforts made by scientists, but successful implementation on a larger scale in the real world is not proven. So, don't get over-optimistic.

Myth: More carbon is captured when you perform tree plantations.

Fact: Of course, most trees capture carbon, but not all are suitable for preventing climate change. Scientifically, trees with a larger surface area are helpful to capture more carbon. For this purpose, oak, birch, and pine are good options. Based on the location, you need to select the tree species.

Climate change is causing existential threats to mankind along with other animals and vegetation. So, don't believe in those myths and try helping your surroundings to be sustainable enough to survive.

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  • Science
  • 07 January, 2025
  • 2 min read