Published By: Ishani Karmakar

DIY Scented Candles – Crafting Your Own Aromatherapy For Relaxation

In today's fast-paced world, finding ways to relax and unwind has become essential.

While there are many methods to achieve tranquillity, one of the most delightful and therapeutic ways is through aromatherapy. Scented candles, with their soothing fragrances and gentle glow, can transform any space into a serene haven. Even better, crafting your own scented candles allows you to personalize the experience, making it even more special.

Materials Needed for DIY Scented Candles

Before you start, gather the following materials:


Soy wax is a popular choice due to its clean burn and natural properties. You can also use beeswax or paraffin wax.


Choose the appropriate wick size for your candle container. Cotton wicks are a common choice for a clean burn.

Essential Oils

Select your favourite essential oils for fragrance. Popular options include lavender for relaxation, eucalyptus for rejuvenation, and citrus for an uplifting atmosphere.


Glass jars, tins, or ceramic containers work well. Ensure they are heat-resistant.

Double Boiler

Used to melt the wax safely.


To monitor the wax temperature.

Stirring Utensil

A wooden or metal spoon.

Glue Dots

To secure the wick to the bottom of the container.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Scented Candles

Prepare Your Workspace

Lay down newspaper or parchment paper to protect your surface. Ensure you have all your materials ready.

Melt the Wax

Using a double boiler, melt the wax over medium heat. Stir occasionally until it reaches a smooth consistency. Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature, aiming for around 170-180°F (76-82°C).

Prepare the Containers

While the wax is melting, secure the wick to the bottom of your container using a glue dot. Make sure the wick is centred.

Add Essential Oils

Once the wax has melted, remove it from the heat and let it cool slightly to around 160°F (71°C). Add your chosen essential oils, using about 1 ounce of oil per pound of wax for a strong scent. Stir gently to mix the oils evenly.

Pour the Wax

Carefully pour the wax into your prepared containers, leaving some space at the top. Hold the wick in place or use a wick holder to keep it centred.

Let the Candles Set

Allow the candles to cool and harden for 8-9 hours or overnight. Trim the wick to about 1/4 inch before lighting.

Benefits of Making Your Own Scented Candles


One of the biggest advantages of DIY scented candles is the ability to customize them to your preferences. You can experiment with different essential oil blends to create unique fragrances that cater to your mood and needs.


Making your own candles can be more economical than buying high-end scented candles. Plus, it allows you to control the quality of the ingredients, ensuring a healthier, toxin-free product.

Therapeutic Experience

The process of making candles itself can be incredibly relaxing. It provides a creative outlet and a sense of accomplishment, enhancing your overall well-being.

Perfect Gifts

Handmade scented candles make thoughtful and personalized gifts for friends and family. You can tailor the scents and designs to match the recipient's preferences, adding a special touch to your presents.

Crafting your own scented candles is a delightful way to incorporate aromatherapy into your life while engaging in a relaxing and creative hobby. The process is simple and rewarding, offering endless opportunities for customization and experimentation. Whether you’re looking to unwind after a long day, create a serene atmosphere in your home, or make personalized gifts for loved ones, DIY scented candles are a perfect choice. So gather your materials, choose your favourite essential oils, and start crafting your own little pieces of aromatic bliss