DIY potpourri for brilliant smelling home

Coming home after a long day and being welcomed by a pleasant smell is a wonderful feeling. Although we often use room fresheners, they tend to work only for a few minutes. Instead, a potpourri-either dry or simmering, are a great way to keep your homes smelling lovely for days! Moreover, you can make them with the available ingredients in your humble kitchen, instead of buying one with just fragrant oils in them. So let’s get down to making some simple DIY potpourris.

Chai potpourri for the tea fans

If you are a die-hard chai love and always want to either drink tea or have the tea smell around you, this one is the best option for you. Just simmer some loose tea or tea bags of your choice along with some spices of your choice like ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, cloves, etc.

Dried flowers potpourri to save those pretty flowers

We usually throw the bouquet of flowers as they get dried up. But, you can save them, separate the leaves and petals, dry them in the oven, and keep them as potpourri at home! This is a great way to recycle flowers and use them for a longer time.

Pumpkin spice simmering potpourri for the fall fans

If you love everything pumpkin spice and want that smell in your house even in the off-season, you gotta make this simmering potpourri. Bring water to boil in a pot, add cinnamon sticks, some cloves, pieces of ginger, and maybe nutmeg too. Just keep simmering until the sweet fragrance fills up your home. Don’t forget to refill the pot with water to keep it for longer.

Mint potpourri to refresh you at work

This is a truly refreshing potpourri which is a great way to have some energizing smell around you. You can simply add peppermint oil into simmering water and you’ll have a “garden” smell in no time. Fresh mint leaves also work really well for this.

Winter potpourri for a cosy vibe

Here’s a dry potpourri if you’re not so much into stovetop ones. The smell of dried orange slices, apple slices, and cinnamonsticks spread out the winter holiday vibes at your home. It’s even refreshing for your work-from-home set-up and makes you feel energized during the day.

So there you have it! I hope this list of potpourris is useful to you readers.

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