Published By: Gurpreet Kaur

DIY Craft Ideas for Kids: Fun Projects Using Everyday Nigerian Materials

Engaging children in DIY crafts is a wonderful way to spark creativity, develop fine motor skills, and provide a fun, hands-on learning experience. 

Using everyday Nigerian materials, you can create exciting projects that are not only easy to make but also celebrate the rich culture and environment of Nigeria. Here are some DIY craft ideas that kids will love, using materials you can easily find at home or in your local community.

Ankara Fabric Collage

Ankara fabric, with its vibrant colours and bold patterns, is a staple in Nigerian fashion. Leftover pieces of Ankara can be used to create beautiful fabric collages.

Materials Needed:

  • Scrap pieces of Ankara fabric
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Cardboard or thick paper as a base


  • Cut the Ankara fabric into various shapes, such as triangles, circles, and squares.
  • Arrange the fabric pieces on the cardboard in any pattern or design your child likes. Encourage them to create images, such as flowers, animals, or abstract art.
  • Once the design is complete, glue the fabric pieces onto the cardboard.
  • Let the collage dry completely before displaying it as art.

This project allows kids to explore their creativity while learning about patterns and textures.

Recycled Bottle Shakers

Turn empty plastic bottles into musical instruments with this simple craft. These shakers are perfect for making music and are a great way to teach kids about recycling.

Materials Needed:

  • Empty plastic bottles with caps
  • Rice, beans, or small pebbles
  • Coloured paper or stickers for decoration
  • Glue or tape


  • Clean and dry the empty plastic bottles.
  • Fill each bottle with a small amount of rice, beans, or pebbles—just enough to make a sound when shaken.
  • Secure the bottle caps tightly.
  • Decorate the outside of the bottles using coloured paper, stickers, or even paint.
  • Shake the bottles to create music and enjoy your homemade instruments.

This project teaches kids about recycling while allowing them to express their musical talents.

Coconut Shell Craft

Coconut shells are abundant in Nigeria and can be repurposed into a variety of crafts. This project involves turning a coconut shell into a decorative bowl or cup.

Materials Needed:

  • Coconut shells, cleaned and halved
  • Sandpaper
  • Paints and brushes
  • Varnish (optional, for a glossy finish)


  • Sand the edges of the coconut shell halves to smooth them out and remove any rough spots.
  • Paint the inside and outside of the coconut shell with bright colours or patterns. Encourage kids to get creative with their designs.
  • Once the paint is dry, you can apply a layer of varnish for a glossy finish, if desired.
  • Use the finished coconut shells as decorative bowls for small items or simply as a display piece.

This craft helps children appreciate natural materials and how they can be transformed into something beautiful.

Palm Leaf Weaving

Palm leaves are commonly found in Nigeria and can be used to teach kids the basics of weaving. This project is simple but offers a great introduction to this traditional craft.

Materials Needed:

  • Fresh palm leaves
  • Scissors


  • Cut the palm leaves into long, narrow strips.
  • Show your child how to weave the strips over and under each other to create a simple mat or coaster.
  • Encourage them to experiment with different patterns as they weave.
  • Once the weaving is complete, trim the edges to create a neat finish.

This project connects children with traditional crafts and helps develop their fine motor skills.

Paper Bead Necklaces

Create colourful beads from paper, an everyday material, to make unique necklaces. This project is great for recycling old magazines or newspapers.

Materials Needed:

  • Old magazines, newspapers, or coloured paper
  • Glue
  • String or yarn
  • Scissors


  • Cut the paper into long, narrow triangles.
  • Starting at the wide end, roll each triangle tightly around a pencil or toothpick to form a bead. Secure the end with glue.
  • Once all the beads are made, string them onto the yarn or string to create a necklace.
  • Tie the ends of the string to finish the necklace.

This craft helps children learn about recycling and offers a fun way to create wearable art.


These DIY craft ideas using everyday Nigerian materials provide children with a creative outlet while also teaching them valuable lessons about recycling, traditional crafts, and cultural appreciation. By using materials that are easily accessible, these projects are not only fun but also practical, allowing kids to explore their creativity in an environmentally conscious way. Whether making musical instruments, weaving with palm leaves, or crafting colourful beads, these activities are sure to bring joy and learning into any home.