Clever Strategies That Can Help You Win Uno
Did you know there are several strategies that you can follow to master the game of Uno and improve your odds of winning?
Winning Uno is all about strategy and a little bit of luck. The key to winning a game of Uno involves using the correct combination of cards and tricking your opponents until you have got them guessing exactly what you want them to. Prepare yourself to win your next game of Uno. Try these clever strategies and become an Uno champion.
Count your opponent’s cards
Counting cards can help you keep track of what cards have already been played. It can help you guess which cards might follow based on what cards have already been played. Pay closer attention to notice when another player is placing many cards of the same color during each turn - this is when you need to make sure the color stays the same. It will compel the player to draw more cards, increasing the number of cards in their hand.
Put down matched numbers quickly.
Your aim should be getting rid of the matched numbers that you have in your hand as quickly as possible. For instance, if you have a blue 4, a yellow 4, and a green 4, put at least two of them down. This strategy will offer you an incredible number of choices and help you avoid playing repetitive cards.
Keep your Wild Cards till the end.
Playing all your Wild Card too early during the game may seem fun because it makes your opponent players sweat, but it may also become the reason for losing the game. You should try to keep your Wild Cards in your hand for longer, if possible. Keep saving them right up until you play your last card. The only exception when you should not keep the Wild Card till the end of the game is when every other player seems to be winning - playing a Wild Card will improve your chances of winning.
Use the reverse card cleverly.
If the player before you has two cards in hand and puts down a Wild Card, never use a reverse card, as that could lead them to their victory. What should you do if the reverse card is the only playable card in your hand? You can pick up a card from the deck and hope another player changes the color along the way.
In several ways, Uno is similar to playing poker – if you are not good at tricking your opponents in card games, you will probably be losing and losing fast.