Can vitamin help you shed those extra inches?

Popping multivitamins are the newest fad in town if you are looking to lose those extra inches and kilos. But does it actually work? What do experts have to say about that? Scroll down for more

The journey to weight loss is not that easy!

Think of a perfect world where we can eat all the junk, lay without any physical activity, and not add a kilo to our weight! Yes, it is quite wishful thinking on our part, especially when we start to believe that popping multivitamins would solve our weight issues. We just lay on a couch watching our favourite blockbuster while supplement does it work, which is quite far-fetched. In the real-world losing weight is not that simple. Let us learn more about weight loss and vitamin supplements.

Myth no 1: vitamin B12 would boost up our metabolism and hence no extra fat

Whether you grab a regular vitamin B12 capsule or get a hi-fi (not to forget, pricey) injection of the vitamin, it would have the same effect. They both won’t make your body fat melt or boost your metabolism. Experts believe there is no data available to support this claim.

Myth no 2: vitamin D would make you lose weight effectively

Firstly, understand this, your body needs its daily dose of sunlight and vitamin D to absorb calcium which makes your bones strong and sturdy. The whole debate regarding vitamin D helping with weight loss started with a 2014 study that suggested that overweight middle-aged women who took vitamin D supplements were able to lose weight in comparison to other women. But this research still needs a lot of tests and study. Till then, instead of trying to lose weight by popping vitamin D supplements, try to go for a brisk walk or jog in the sunlight.

Myth no 3: Can calcium supplements help you lose excess weight?

To answer it simply, no, it does not. At least that is what most studies and evidence suggest. Many people believe that calcium helps in breaking down fat in your cells and funnily, many others suggest that calcium supplements may also absorb fat from your food! Doctors and dieticians point out that your body needs calcium for an entirely different reason. It helps with our bone health, keeps our blood vessels, bones and nerves in good shape.

So, in the end, we would like to emphasize that you must focus on exercising and eating healthy then investing in supplements blindly. Lose your weight, not your mind!

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