Benefits of Renewable Energy Sources
An alternative path for a better future
- Sougata Dutta
- 04 October, 2024
- 2 mins ago

Benefits of Renewable Energy Sources
An alternative path for a better future
Using renewable energy sources has been a strong campaign from ecologists and environmental activists for several decades. What are the good impacts of using solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and biomass energy sources in day-to-day activities? How can these be effective in improving our social and economic life along with saving nature from some fatal consequences? Amongst several positive impacts of using these sort of energy sources, here are a few ones must have a look at:
A Cut in Global Warming
Global Warming, in general, refers to the excessive rise in temperature of the atmosphere due to the emission of several gases including carbon-di-oxide and carbon-mono-oxide. This results in some devastating natural calamities such as dangerous and frequent storms, droughts, rise in water levels and even the extinction of many species. The fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gases are one of the core causes behind global warming. Most of the renewable energy sources (biomass is an exception) emits a very little amount of carbon-di-oxide if compared to fossil fuels.
Lowers Health Hazards
Renewable energy sources, since emitting a lesser amount of carbon elements and other hazardous chemicals, compared to nonrenewables, especially fossil fuels, save us from health hazards. From breathing troubles or heart attacks, from neurological issues to premature death— a bunch of severe health hazards are caused in the areas close to nonrenewable energy sources plants. On the other hand, the water, wind or hydroelectric energy sources simply do not emit any such air-polluting chemicals.
An Inexhaustible Energy Source
All renewable energy sources which include the wind, the water, the sun, the biomass, the earth's heat— all are never-ending sources. Thus these sources serve energy in a never-ending manner. These offer a huge and typically replenished energy supply that is the need of the time. Renewable energy sources are thus required to be utilised in meeting the energy demands as much as possible to draw a cut in the use of fossil fuel, which is limited and must be saved for future generations. It is to be noted further that several operations yet cannot be met by renewable sources and thus nonrenewables are required for a long time. Thus, in all such cases, where renewables can be used, proper actions must be taken to implement that.
A New Source of Employment
Nonrenewable energy is a new field for research and implementation. Thus it can serve as a big source of employment if the governments take the necessary steps.