Are You Scared Of Exams? These Tips May Help You

Reduce your exam pressure with these tips!

Examinations are an important part of education and a source of stress for many students. To avoid becoming seriously burdened by these stressful assessments, it is important to approach them with a clear head and a broader understanding of how to deal with stressful situations. In many cases, the stress of exams weighs on the head, and mental discipline is an important part of what it takes to succeed.

1. Preparing for the exam

Find out what is expected of you. Be sure to read the syllabus or ask your teacher what material you will be responsible for. If you have a concrete idea of ​​what you're being tested for, future tests will be  less vague and more manageable.

 I) If you don't understand something, ask your teacher. Teachers would  rather answer questions than have  students continue without understanding what is expected of them.

 II) Before asking any question, make sure you have read your program and all the information your teacher has given you.Your teacher will not be happy if you  email them asking when the test will take place if it is listed on page 1 of the syllabus.

 2. Conditions of study

In psychology there is a phenomenon called context memory. It refers to the idea that we are better able to remember things in environments similar to those in which information was encoded. A related phenomenon is called state-dependent memory. This means that our memory is at its best when we are learning and receiving information in similar body states.

3. Take notes in class

Don't just rely on your memory or your textbook. Take  class time seriously by taking notes summarising what the teacher  said. If you are stressed about exams, you can check your grades. It helps you remember things that happened in class that you haven't even taken notes on, and makes you feel like you own the material. 

4. Manage your time wisely

Don't prepare for the exam at the last minute; This will definitely lead to exam stress. Spread your learning time over several days or even weeks. If you "swallow" over a longer period of time, such as several days or weeks, you  retain more  information.

Because of state-dependent memory, try to study at  the same time of day as you are taking the test if possible. This will keep you  tired/awake during your studies and exams.You will get used to how it feels to process the course material on the day of the exam.

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