Are You A Plant-loving Person Who Suffers From Hay Fever? Avoid Growing These Plants At Home Or In Your Yard

Flowers offer a sight to behold, but many pretty blooms have irritating pollen that can induce symptoms of allergies. Luckily, not all blooms trigger allergies.

Flowers offer a sight to behold, but many pretty blooms have irritating pollen that can induce symptoms of allergies. Luckily, not all blooms trigger allergies.

Flowers that have small pollen grains are scattered by the wind—and they are the culprits for inducing allergies in those who suffer from hay fever. Many plants are pollinated by hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and other tiny creatures—while others depend on the blowing wind to scatter the pollen—to promote fertilisation. These plants are a nightmare for people who suffer from hay fever, which is sad because some allergy-inducing blooms look stunning, and it is hard to stay away from them. Check the list below to find out what plants you should keep at bay.


Let us kickstart the list with this allergen-heavy plant. It is essential to note that most plants from the daisy and aster family pollinate through wind transfer and are responsible for causing allergies in people. During the warm summer months, you can find Asters growing everywhere and might even trace their way to your living room as container plants. Even though some aster varieties are not dispersed through wind, many allergic people are sensitive to its pollen.


These stunning blooms attract many pollinators, but during spring and summer, dahlias can irritate the sufferers of hay fever sufferers. While it is not a surprise that many people are drawn to this flower for its vibrant standout colours, it is best to resist your urge to grow or buy them if you are prone to allergies.

Bermuda grass

This perennial grass grows during the warmer months and can commonly be spotted growing on golf courses and lawns because it can be trampled by foot. However, the flowering seeds of Bermuda grass can induce symptoms of allergies, such as congestion and a runny nose.


If plants such as ragweed, sunflowers, daisies, or dandelions cause irritation, you should also keep chrysanthemums at bay. You may be allergic to specific parts of the chrysanthemum plant, such as its leaves, pollen, flowers, and stem.


Sunflowers are not fragrant blooms, so you may not consider them one of those flowers that induce allergies. But you should be careful: the head of the sunflower and its size often determines the quantity of pollen it creates. And the large ones can be a dread foe for hay fever sufferers.

Some pollen-free varieties of sunflower produce heavy pollen that cannot be dispersed by the wind. If you love these vibrant, cherry blooms a lot—you may get those for your terrace or garden.


Chamomile also belongs to the aster family and is known for wreaking havoc among people, who are prone to allergies. The plants produce pollen, and the blooms are often used to prepare tea, but even after brewing, they may retain some irritants.


Another member of the aster family—this common garden flower is often confused by gardeners for goldenrod—a charming garden plant. Goldenrod plants do not pollinate through wind and are therefore safe—for hay fever sufferers. However, ragweed grows weedy and inconspicuous flowers and relies on wind-pollination. Ragweed can be spotted growing in vacant plots and by the roads.


The Amaranthus genus has many species—some are grown as culinary plants or ornamental gardens, but allergy-prone people probably recognize them by the common name—pigweed—allocated to weedy annual varieties. Amaranths are pollinated through wind, and they produce a lot of ultra-fine pollen that is scattered by the faintest breeze.

If you are a flower-loving person, pick low-allergen plants for your home or garden—to minimise the symptoms of hay fever.

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