Are you a cleanliness freak? Look for these signs to find out

 Do you find it impossible to tolerate a dirty corner, crumpled bed and dirty dishes in the sink?  The chances are that you are a cleanliness freak.

So, are you often called a “neat freak” or “cleanliness freak” by your family and friend? You just can’t seem to stop rearranging books or the dining table at a friend’s house. Well, they are not wrong. There are high chances that you are addicted to cleanliness. If you look at it closely, it is not a bad thing to be. Has the organization and cleanliness have harmed anyone. Stop reacting to your friend’s jibes and embrace your “clean” personality. Here are some of the signs that would tell you whether or not you are a neat freak.

  • Cleaning is therapeutic for you. It is like meditating and telling go of all the tensions and troubles of life. You often find it hard to believe that people around you are too lazy to clean. It is beyond your understanding that people consider cleaning as a chore?
  • You want your guest to leave their footwear and if they could help it, themselves too when it is snowing and raining. Please, you people are destroying my valuable Quim carpet!
  • It is physically impossible for you to leave the house without making your bed. Actually, the first thing you do after waking up is making your bed. Well, isn’t that something everyone does?
  • You cannot sleep with a sink full of dirty dishes. You won’t be peaceful or sleepy if you do that. You want a sparkly clean kitchen and squeezy clean dishes for good night sleep.

  • The first thing you notice in someone else’s house is how clean and dirty their house. Actually, you judge a person way too much based on the condition of their house.
  • Only you can clean your bedroom, kitchen or house. You are the keeper of the wonderful ideas, tips and tricks to clean your house. How can you let anyone clean for you? And if God forbid, someone out of love and concern do clean your house; you clean it again after they leave.
  • Your utility cupboard is filled with cleaning supplies. You have at least three types of mop, two types of cleaning detergent and lots of rugs, brushes and, of course, enthusiasm. You crave new cleaning products all the time and often spend too much on them.

So, “neat” freak what other traits you often display in front of family and friends.