7 Daily Cleaning Habits for a Tidy and Clutter-Free Home

A clutter-free space instantaneously adds a positive boost to our mood, so incorporating these easy and daily cleaning habits can make the job of keeping our homes tidy that much easier.

"Life truly begins after you have put your house in order."

Who doesn't love an aesthetically-pleasing, tidy home where our productivity thrives and we wake up at the happy side of the bed every day. But let's be honest, keeping a home squeaky clean isn't an easy job as Marie Kondo makes it look like, and more often than not, we find ourselves in a cluttered space screaming for a quick tidying up.

Practicing a set of daily cleaning habits (and channeling our inner Marie Kondo) not only gives us a visually clutter-free house but also ensures that we don't need to assign an entire day just to clean our living room and kitchen counter mess.

To assert the tidying habits from the morning, begin the day by making the bed

Tidying up the bed in the morning barely takes 5 minutes but makes our mind more organized and sets the tone of little cleaning habits for the day.

Keep your counter clean

Visual clutter can accumulate so easily and gives us a sense of less space in the house. Put the coffee maker or blender back to its shelf right after using it in the morning and keep the counters clutter-free, so that you can come back to a tidy kitchen later.

Don't let the dishes pile

Doing a whole sink of dishes can feel like a big task, so after every meal, take that extra ten minutes and clean the dishes as you go.

60 seconds tidying rule

A great way to avoid accumulating clutter is to eliminate it from the beginning. If putting the book back to its shelf or folding that throw from the couch takes 60 seconds, do it now rather than later. That way, it never gets to a messy big pile.

Put your shoes and clothes away

Sometimes we find a clothing pile here and there as we never remember to keep the clothes back to its original space after changing. After returning home, put your shoes back to the rack right away and the same goes for coats and clothes.

Create a cleaning schedule

A great habit that helps me keep my space organized is keeping a particular schedule for laundry day and other cleaning stuff. Just put the dates in a calendar or your to-do list and keep the cleaning hassle-free.

Spend 10 minutes before bed tidying your space

Cleaning up the work desk or the living room before bed always gives me such a fulfilling peace, almost a sense of pride because that means, I get to come back to a clutter-free desk the next morning for work.

Or as Marie Kondo puts it, by putting our past self behind by resetting the day's clutter, we are truly welcoming our new beginning for the next day.

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