6 ways to tell if someone likes you based on how they text

You can tell a lot by the way they text.

Texting has been the new meta for a while now. So, when it comes to texting a person you like, it is going to be different from how we text our friends. Agreed texting is not the best way to communicate emotions, especially if you want to share your feelings. Even though it lacks the physical closeness of a IRL conversations, the way we text changes when we like someone. Also, the way we text changes when we go through the talking phase of a relationship.

When someone likes you, they will leave clues while texting. It doesn’t have to be as direct as a heart face emoji, but there are ways to tell if someone likes you beased on how they text. Here’s a few signs.

Replies are prompt

Prompt replies are a way to show you have priority in their lives. Though it is not always possible to reply quickly, you can see them make an effort to text back the moment they come back online.

Their texts are always engaging

There are no dry texts with them. There’s not many “What’s up?” or one word replies from them. When texting them, you have engaging conversations that is deep and meaningful. They like to ask about your life in general and it is not boring.

They let you know when they are busy

If they are going to be unavailable, they let you know beforehand. It is a sign they are considerate towards you and don’t want you to wonder why they have not responded.

They open up to you

From sharing childhood crushes to trauma, they open up a lot when they text you. You know they like you when they open up about their life to you, they are comfortable in sharing details about their life.

They share things that are meaningful to them

Memes, GiFS, videos, voice notes – they share stuff that make them smile and are important to them.

Find ways to prolong the conversation

You never run out of things to talk about, and even if you do, they find ways to keep the texting going. Not just by making small talks, but they always ask questions to keep the conversation flowing.

Special nicknames for you

You have personalized nicknames for each other. It doesn’t have to be something too mushy but funny ones that only you two can relate to.

They stick to their word

If they say they are going to bed at 2 AM, you don’t find them lurking on Instagram half an hour later. When they say goodnight, they actually mean it and they are actually going to bed. Shows that they are genuine.

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